May 25, 2004 16:21
Hey. Today was OK. I came in and I am invited to Sam S'z graduation/birthday party. Joe's is on the same day as hers .. what do I do? Well in religion we learned LOVE IN ANY LANGUAGE. It's sooo cute. I love it. Haha. In music we sang some more, and we taught Mrs. Bernedette the song, she like cried. Haha. Then math .. boringness. In snack I was pissed the fcuk off. Me and Lauren felt like outcasts. I tried to sit in this one seat and Mary was like 'Excuse me .. I'm sitting there' I was like wow .. okay hun .. I got to this seat before you. Whatever. I like flipped out on Angie. tee hee hee. But I still love her! Natalie .. was just Natalie .. being her loving happy self. Haha. Then we had science .. boring!! Me and Angie worked it out and we started to talk about everything. I call Angie Pimpy. HAHA!!!! Then we had social studies .. we talked about the movie "The Last Days", that's such a good movie!! Then we had lunch recess, I was getting kinda mad .. and NO .. IM NOT A CHEESBURGER!! HAHA. Then we had ILA .. I fell asleep, haha. Well I gtg ..