Apr 14, 2005 17:45
Yayyyyy! Only one more school day til April vacation! Happy happy joy joy! he he I can't wait. I'm planning on going to my dad's tomorrow afternoon, and staying until either Monday or Tuesday. Then, I'll come home for a few days and hang out with Megan and stuff, and then I'll probably go to my Gram's for a few days, because I don't see them very much, and it would be nice to spend some time with them.
Staying at their house is like being on a vacation. I get waited on hand and foot; it's great! My grandmother and I always watch Game Show Network together. That's like one of my favorite channels! They get like 400 somethin channels, because they have Dish Network, and they have like 5 Spanish channels that I'm like addicted to, and they have Discovery Health Channel too! Oh, and I always bring my Braille set of Uno and regular playing cards, because we love playing Uno and a bunch of other card games. She usually gets her ass kicked in Uno. lol I win like 99% of the time! And, they always cook my favorite meals when I stay over. In the morning, either waffles or pancakes, for lunch, whatever they have for lunch meat, and for dinner, mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, and pork. I mean, I like pretty much everything my grandmother cooks, but those are my favorites.
I got an email from Tomo yesterday! It was completely unexpected, because he told me that the guy was coming to set up his Internet connection on the 22, but evidently not, because he emailed me and told me! I was soooooo happy! Then, he told me he got a cell phone, wich I thought was cool. Speaking of witch, I still have to get more units for my trafck phone. lol That's bad considering the fact that I kept saying that I would go buy some more, but you know me of course I didn't, because I'm a major procrastinator. lol
Anyway, back to Tomo. one of my blindy friends from the Zone told me how to use Sound Recorder with JAWS, so I recorded myself and saved it in a file, and sent it to him as an email atatchment. He said that I had a "very beautiful voice." I was like "Awwwwwwww, that's so sweet!" I really wanna record me singing something, but I don't know what. lol I don't think he'll care.
Wow! This week went by wicked fast! I can't believe that it's almost vacation! yayyyyy! Monday was the first day of the final marking period. The only new class i have last block is Fitness and Neutrition. I don't mind it really; it's kinda fun. MRS. Couture, and MRS. Plorde co-teach the class, and we alternate between cooking and walking and doing non-competitive sports... Like tennis! Oh joy! That'll be real interesting! lol Today we made blueberry muffins. That was just our first recipe. Our group got to use the mini muffin tins, because the regular ones were already being used, so we got to make little bite-size ones! lol They were soooooo cute! I don't normally like blueberry muffins very much, but these were quite good. I don't know what we're doing tomorrow. We're probably going walking around town if the weather permits, or we're staying in the gym.
So... yeah, that's pretty much it for now. TTYL everyone!