Memes: Day 24 and Another Meme

Aug 20, 2010 17:38


Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t?
The Marauders' story, Peeves, and S.P.E.W. are the things I miss the most, though I was also really disappointed by the lack of most of the important Harry/Ginny scenes in HBP.


Day 24: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
I need this.

professor_spork tagged me in a meme, so here it is.

If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Tag eleven people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

What song are you currently addicted to?
"Forbidden Friendship" from the How to Train Your Dragon score. It’s been months since I first heard it, and I still can’t stop listening to it. It's SO PRETTY.

What's your favorite season?
Spring. Not too hot, not too cold, and I like the sunshine.

What's the latest movie you watched?
Pretty sure it was Mean Girls. I haven’t been watching many movies. The last one I saw for the first time was Despicable Me.

What is the one skill you wish you had?
Dancing. I can sing, and sometimes I’m okay at acting, but I can’t dance to save my life.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Doctor Who and my Harry Potter relapse are competing for the #1 spot right now.

What's your favorite board game?
Apples to Apples. I like Scrabble too, though.

What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook, Twitter, LJ, Mark Reads Harry Potter, Cake Wrecks, email.

What was the last thing you bought?
I don’t think food counts, so it was probably this amazingly dorky-cool backpack with music notes all over it. I am in love with it.

If you win 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
I’d like to say I’d save it or use it for grad school or whatever, but left to my own devices I probably wouldn’t. I’d buy a bunch of books, DVDs of all my favorite TV shows, a Dalek voice changer helmet, a guitar, some geeky t-shirts, and custom-made bras and bathing suits that were actually the right size.

Last concert you went to?
Idina Menzel and the National Symphony Orchestra. (She sang the Glee version of Pokerface. Between the orchestral accompaniment and her comment that, “They told me it was supposed to be a mother-daughter reunion song, but it has a lot of weird words like ‘muffin,’” I think I peed a little.)

What could be one of the best things to happen to you right now?
Going back to school and seeing my friends, which I get to do in a week. YAY! Not looking forward to the homework, but I miss my roomie and my independence.

What's the last thing that made you happy?
Looking into my brother’s bedroom last night and seeing him and my dad laying on the bed side by side, each reading a Harry Potter book.

Do you want to learn another language?
Yes. Someday I would love to be fluent in both French and Hebrew. (And Elvish.) I like languages, and I have a knack for them. I wish I had more opportunities to study them, but I’ve taken French for three years and just can’t fit it into my schedule anymore. I’ll miss it. :(

Five things you can't live without.
1. People, particularly my wonderful, brilliant, ridiculous friends and family.
2. Books, especially my Harry Potter ones.
3. The internet. (Okay, I can live without it, but I am pretty attached.)
4. Humor. I think that counts.
5. Ice cream. It was between ice cream and music, and I’m hungry.

Okie dokie, tagging people...hmm...don't know if any of you have already done it, and I'm not tagging 11 people (Do I even have 11 friends to tag? No idea.), but I'll go with 10imd , puckhiggins , skkyborn , pinkpanther20 , I guess, and anyone else who wants to do it. (None of you guys have to do it either.)

memes, doctor who, harry potter

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