Yesterday, I watched Carrie (I'm reading the book now) in preparation for the musical thingy that I'm in. (I guess that thingy is called a musical.) I have one thing to say: LOL HE KICKED THE BUCKET VIA BUCKET.
Oh, and it was as bad as I expected. Bad movies are great. Or horrible. Or both. Also, today we bought Mean Girls on DVD. Finally. My sister and I had the sudden urge to watch it the other day and then were sad when we couldn't. Now we can! (And just did.)
So...memes. I am really bad at keeping up with these things. Okay. Here goes.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like?
I'm very much a Hermione (and always have been), but I've got a definite streak of Luna in me. Sometimes those two are at odds; strangely, I think the Luna side usually wins. There's quite a bit of Remus and Tonks in there too, I think, and I really hope I'm Minerva McGonagall when I grow up.
Day 12: Favorite ship?
There are a few HP pairings that I get squeeful about, but Ron and Hermione have been my OTP since I read the first book at age seven (no, I didn't know the term "OTP" back then), and I STILL do a happy dance every time I think about The Kiss.
Day 13: Least Favorite Movie?
I hated everything about HBP except the cinematography. The pacing was weird, everyone was even more OOC than usual, Hermione was an idiot who did nothing but talk about Ron during the whole movie, Dumbledore was an angry hippie (as usual), Bonnie Wright was...Bonnie Wright, Lavender was even more of a caricature than she was in the books (hard to achieve, that), Remus and Tonks were in ONE SCENE that wasn't at all the one I was hoping to see, the Inferi looked like an army of Gollums, the weird wand-raising thing was a terrible substitute for Dumbledore's funeral, Ron was sitting twenty feet away when he and Hermione promised to stick with Harry to the end, they burned down the Burrow, and they played Aragog's death and Hagrid's subsequent pain as a joke. I CRIED AT THAT IN THE BOOK, OKAY? Felix Felicis does not make you say things like, "Pincers." Or whatever the line is. Poor Hagrid. :(
Basically, it felt nothing like the book. I always felt that the first two movies retained the tone of the source material really well, even if they weren't great films on their own, and the others have been passable. This one sent me home crying after the midnight showing. This very well may be my favorite book in the series, It was not okay.
That being said, differences of opinion are totally valid and I have many dear friends who like the abomination movie. I'm not super invested in the movies (even if they are usually fun), but I had really high expectations after they moved the release date for this one and everything.
Day 14: Team Voldemort or Team Harry?
This is a stupid question. Voldy's a great villain, but I'm with Harry all the way.
Day 11: Your Favorite Season (Classic or New)
Time for a ~surprising answer.~ (Probably? Maybe? Possibly.)
I'm not even sure why, but my favorite season is definitely the first. Ten is my Doctor, but Nine was my first Doctor, and he was fantastic. It was a consistently awesome season (or at least pretty consistent), and it's what made me love Doctor Who.
Day 12: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Shakespeare: "Is that a promise, Doctor?"
Doctor: "57 academics just punched the air."
Day 13: Your Favorite Villain
Has to be the Master. He's deliciously evil, and he's funny about it.
Day 14: The Villain Who Scared You the Most
Has to be the Vashta Nerada. The Empty Child and the Weeping Angels were terrifying (okay, not so much anymore), but the Vashta Nerada LIVE IN A LIBRARY. They turned this place that should have been paradise into...scary. (That's not a noun, but it gets the point across.) Do not want.