Mar 15, 2005 16:08
so im at the liberry bored as hell wish someone would come rescue me from my night mare lol o well ill find sumthin to do to entertain my self well this is how the rest of my weekend went for those who would liek to knoe
sunday~lil sousin came over with her puuppy and we celebrated her bday and then we went to the liberry where i had to do a very gay assignment but ran into trevor who had to do an even worse one so made me kinda go lucky me lol and after tht we went to mcd's and i got frys as usuall then we took emlay home and got to see her new appartment yea they moved again and are livin in ericas appartment complex in case u dont knoe the preetiful turtle lips its the appartment complex across form hoem depot so yea they close now then i got yelled at and fell asleep
monday~stayed home sick cause i dint feel liek goin to school especially when i had to take a test, do a speech, and turn in a bunch of work that i ditn have done so yea well then i got a call from my cousin and tht took sum tiem neways enough about tht i feel asleep and that was it
tuesday~i went to school
1st hour~talked to jessica bout this gay language assignment thats liek our final exam so yea was gonna go over to her house after school but her mom sayd no but we myte hang tommorow
2cd hour~ this was liek the best hour ever cortez liek is so afraid of me lol jk he was liek im thsi close to kickin ur ass and i was liek "poke" lol then the slap and punch contests that was very interesting and lets not forget duck duck goose penut butter cups and chips lol emily....o and our big converstation on country vs. rap lol there both good so idk y cortez is trippin but yea tht was so fun
3rd~took a test and and asked wht tiem it was liek a billion tiems lol
lunch~kinda jsut walked round went to the irc talked to boring elyse then back to class
4th~gave speech and hopefully i get a good grade cause i got liek a C in that class but o well i prolly got a "B" but its all good
bus~got off at the liberry where i am now and im not gettin picked up for another 3-4 hours so gotta find sumthin to do neways i gotta actually find a good book so if u kneo ne leave a comment peace
ps just leave a comment neways