
Jan 04, 2006 19:30

so... TODAY SUCKED SOOO BAD! i mean i seriously just had a really really bad day today. and im kind of happy about it. i asked for a bad year, and it's happening. ahh ha ha ha....

So- there was a high light to the bad day. i eman this was sooo embarrasing. i wanted to die. (by high light i do mean, a funny bad part)
so i was sleeping totally sound in spanish class. and there was this movie playing, it was dark, (and very quiet) and i was just about to fall asleep when i feel this feeling, the feeling everyone knows when your about to... Fart. so i sit up, very wuickly, just as i rip a huge fart in the middle of class. and everyone is looking at me, i could have lived with that, except i was really stupid at the moment having jsut woke up, and said somthing really really stupid right after this event took place. needless to say- i pretty much felt like the biggest duche bag on earth.

that ^ is how my whole day was! sigh- next year is going to be so great heh.
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