Jun 01, 2005 21:22
sometimes you dont write in your livejournal for like 40 thousan years! a billion and seven things have happened.
When we left school everyone was real sad! :( i had to leave all my girls (and guys)! Im gonna miss them so much and it sucks cuz we were all supposed to live in the same dorm next year and now everyone has dispursed and gone into there own stupid NICE dorms!! oh well....hopefully we'll all see eachother still!!!
i hung out with maggie and katie last saturday! we went bowling...i SUCK at bowling lol. i slept over at margarets and we stayed up till 4am talking about stupid shit and watched pulp fiction
i went to 80s nite last night with melissa and it was the first time i went without drinking a whole lot of alcohol before going and surprisingly i had alot of fun. Me and Melissa were grooving the night away! HAHAH there were so many creepy dudes though that kept trying to dance with us...we had to save eachother
so yea...i went to tulsa 2 weeks ago to see HANSON and it was soooo much fun! me and tera chilled in the back seat the whole way there. We stopped at a Dennys in Ashland at like 1am and they had these AMAZING masks from the madagascar movie. IM MELMAN THE GIRAFFE...TERA'S MARTY THE ZEBRA!!!! We stopped at the infamous ARCH in st. louis on the way down, it was a good 8 in the morning when we were there. Jen was looking for Nelly the whole time, it was funny. when we finally made it to Tulsa, OK we stopped by the place that they were having Mayfest. We got out, looked around, made our territory! Wednesday we just kinda hung out and went around tulsa and got lost every 5 sec. we saw ter's friend Holly! I havent seen her in like 3 years, she was soo cute, and she had the cutest house. the next day we went downtown and at like 3 we started to camp out! hahah...yes...CAMP OUT!!! thats what hanfans do! We made some new friends, 1 from maine and 3 from jersey (they were all there together though). We got bored hanging around so the 4 of us and our new friend Katie from Maine went around tulsa. It was katies and jens first time there so we went to the old house and then we went to the new house and me and katie did things we can never speak of to any other hanson fans but the ones who were there that day! :X the hanson show was amazing, we had front row, of course! and afterwards we went to the special screening of the documentary. Im not gonna lie...it was a bit of a let down but it was still so amazing!!
ok peace out! ill write more later!