so that was purdy last week.. i kno it's a bit late it's about time for this weeks pictures but what can i saw i'm a lil lazy when it comes to this shit.. but i'm tryin...
this has ben quite the tryin week.. i saw just how much of a sap i am and that's fine i guess it makes me human... i talked to justin a few days ago.. justin being my lil soldier boy.. i've been tryin not to think to much about him because u kno under the current circumstances i don't like to think of him in danger though i am well aware that he is.. o.k that was way too much of a rant... well my poor lil baby cry had to have surgery he got some wierd growth on his lung and they had to cut it out.. so he's been in the hospital for like 2 weeks and is recovering and is coming home soon.. that makes me a happy child.. when he comes home i'ma try the whole monogamy thing.. he's well worth it which scares me much... i dunno i guess i'll have to deal with that when we get to it...
well mindi's here and we're headin out
hit u up late