I felt horrible today but not sick horrible even though I have a cold

Nov 15, 2004 21:17

I have to do a pre writing for a paper and I did a web it looks really complex I pretty much mapped out everything in my life as of now with some things left out and others that never actually happened. Crazy whore best five dollars I ever spent. It’s odd that for the most part all my life fits on a piece of paper.

Life has been very unsatisfying lately. I think that each day should be lived without regret or unsaid things between people. I haven't been doing it.

The new sb email is one of the better ones.

There was no need for this cut I just wanted to have one.
I need to finish off my canon film but I’m never inspired.

So this entry is really boring.

I never used to be this boring or depressed.

I typed this awesome story of the war between the accountants and social workers then accidentally deleted it. Now you'll never know the story.

As a kid saying the pledge didn’t mean anything all those big words the only part I understood was the under god part but I didn’t believe in him though I also didn’t care much. At school saying the pledge isn’t mandatory but they never told you that. As a kid I didn’t think to not standing up. Today if we had to say the pledge I probably wouldn’t do it. Not to cause trouble or get attention and not only because I don’t believe in god but because I do not support what the present government is doing, the direction they are taking us in and lead to much with their religious views. Just a random thought that came into my head.

People waste too much time watching television. Way to not be hypocritical. It’s true though.

I think I’m going to dance to really loud music now.
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