On the
ONTD_P Steam group we're having a contest to get more members! If you are able to get 10 other ONTD_P members to join this group, the Admins will buy you a steam game of your choice under $5!
To win: Give us both the steam ID names and corresponding LJ user names for the members you get to join!
(You can do this by noting me here on LJ, either of the group mods on Steam, posting a comment on the group, or by chatting me up on Steam: beingforthebenefitofmrkite)
Due to not having a lot of money, and our current membership being only 4, we're limiting this to the first 5 winners.
I'd love to get this on a post at the actual ONTD_P but I'm scared the mods there would be pissed that we made a steam ONTD_P group without asking them first.