(no subject)

Mar 01, 2006 19:19

Chapter 1:
Initials: las
Middle name: Amanda
Date of birth: october 22, 1989
Current location: den
Height: 5'6
Hair length: long
Eye color: blue-ish
Piercings: ears
birthmarks: ?

Chapter 2:Home
Do you live with your parents: mom
Do you get along with your parents?: eh
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: divorced
Do you have any siblings?: lil bro
What pets do you have? Dog

Chapter 3: Favorites
City: ill get bak to ya
Ice cream flavor: coffee or Everything but the...(B&J)
Season: Spring
Clothing brand/store: no set choices, i like name brands AND SalVo!
Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene Pro-V/herbal/suave
Color: green n orange

Chapter 4: Do You
Sing in the shower?: OH but of course!!!
Write memos on your hand? ALL the time!
Call people back?: depending on who.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: middle?
Wear glasses or contacts?: glasses for fashion sometimes
Have any weird habits: indeed

Chapter 5: Have You Ever
Gone skinny dipping? partialy
Worn braces?: nope
Broken a bone?: Nope
Had stitches?: yip
Shoplifted?: : /
Punched someone in the face?: prolly jokingly
Skipped school?: Na
Taken painkillers?: yip
Gone SCUBA diving?: nerp
Been stung by a bee?: negatory
Thrown up in a restaurant?: hm?
Been to overnight camp?: Hell YES!!! ;)
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: :D
Been sent to the principal's office?: sure
Been called a biatch?: yeah, probly

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
Person to IM you?: mike
person to call you?: mel
Person you hugged?: Frank-a
Person you tackled?: mark or mike
Thing you touched?: backspace key
Thing you ate?: strawberry kiss
Drank?: water
Thing you said? prolly just laughed

Chapter 7: Tag
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