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Jul 30, 2005 21:31

OH MY GOOD GOD IN HEAVEN!!!! MARY ASHLEY ROGERS AND ASHLEY NICOLE SACK JUST ATE WORMS!!!!!omg you can not understand this adrenaline rush we're having right now!!! me and ashley just ate a fricken w-o-r-m! yes this is totally omg so weird !!! we're so pumped right now.. words can not express how freakin excited we are right now! we're seriously calling everyone and telling them!!!  wow


okay heres the story....

(hang on to your hats folks) ok so me and ashley were sitting around earlier thinking about things to do. and we thought about just randomly going to fear factor.com and signing up. so we decide to sign up for the fear factor best friends edition. and so we had to make a 5 minute video and fill out this application thing. so, then we're like well to practice for it.. why not eat worms?! so we're all psyched about this, getting ourselves all hyped up and so we go outside and start diggin around in a muddy hole. i was the first to find a worm, it was like long and really anorexic, but hey, it was a worm! then ashley found a slug but didnt wanna eat it cuz slugs are just naaaasty. so then ashley finds another worm after lifting every single rock up from my yard. it was plump and bloody so she threw it and so we decided to split my extremely long worm in half, so it made two normal sized ones. then we were pacing around, counting to 5 and then stopping... we couldnt find it in ourselves to eat a WORM.. then ashley got a bunch of spit in her mouth and goes, ok i'm doin it, and she pops it in her mouth then screeeeams and runs towards the house!!! i was like waiiiiit i didnt eat mine yet so i closed my eyes and threw it in the back of my throat and swallowed it! ashley was like gagging in a tree and i (let me add then i havent thrown up since i was 7!) started to gag too!!! it was the worst feeling in the world. so i held my breath and we both ran in the house screaming . so we get in the house and throw open the cupboards and grab cups and drink water to help the poor worm swim down our tracheas. it was only like 2 sips each... but omg, i cannot believe this, WE ATE WORMS!! wow.. nothing in the world could bring us down right now! not even CAMP. haha... but yea, we're gona go celebrate our accomplishments by.... uhmm... eating ANOTHER bug... wow jk, never again.. lol. but we're gonna go watch a movie now.


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