Mar 20, 2004 12:49
next year, if you dont already know, or have been living in a box for a few months....for Homecoming (around the time where "popular" girls are being nominated) I have come to a conclusion that I would like to nominated Mary Dunkle for homecoming queen.
for one, people will be so confused that all the snotty ass girls who wanted to be queen WONT be because...hey, who wouldn't wanna see Mary/Jacki Dunkle up there with a crown covering her long,stringy yet rather sexy hair?
So, just preparing for next year..I'm throwin out some ideas."Hell No, Mark Dunkle wont GO".."Vote Dunkle Style" and maybe " Mary Dunkle: Just Do It" I don't know if you have any cute/sexy/immature/and helpful ideas please tell me!
Love always,
President of TDC-the dunkle crew
~*Danielle E. Cross*~
P.S.--> HELL YEAH i talked to Joe lasss night for about an HOUR..only bcuz my mom signed my permission slip to use the phone after "bed time".joe is muy guapo y gordo.oh wait,gordos fat..nvm (theres a reason why I didn't pass spanish)
p.s.s. aww I just went back and remembered this(which made me giggle)
ME:"will you go out with me...
ME:"i wasn't finished-with me and the rest of the starlites?"
guy:"ah shit"
..that IS true though, I brought one date to turnabuot and 438590 flaggets danced with him.So be cautious if your asking a flagget to prom(you might b asking 14 other girls too)
:-O HOPEFULLY I'M GETTING PEOPLE TO GO BOWLINGGGGGGGG TONIGHT(yes, I'm a dork like that) If you wanna join tell me.:-)
I<3 bowling/pizza/bowling shoes/cosmic bowling/police it should be a fun time