Jul 05, 2005 21:26
alala. so yesterday was awesome!!
saturday i went to the beach w/ the sisters. that was surprisingly fun.
the water was like PERFECT! it wasnt cold at all.
the waves were friggen awesome! they were just craZy.
then that nite i couldnt get a hold of most of my friends!
so that really bummed me out and my parents bitching wasnt helping much.
woke up on my bday tired..dunno why..i mean i got like 12 hrs of sleep.
anywho! so then NENA calls me and i'm like aaaaaaaaaaaah its too early. LoL
at first the plan was to go to Mr. Gatti's , then my sister's apartment to watch movies and chill out, THEN go watch fireworks @ the roadrunner stadium.
so everything turned out great. Mauro brought Kody, Alex, and Art. Mary came, NENA CAME!..even though i had to pick her up--i had to see her!!! it was my bday! Daisy came, and Ari came. Oh. and Nena brought her cuzin William..but he was pretty much asleep during the WHOLE FRIGGEN THING! lmao jk.
um..we watched a movie and then the boys went outside out of nowhere..idk. then we were just looking at them from the window and mauro and kody start taking off their belts! lmao. then kody rubs his belt between his legs. lmao!
so then we were going to play hide-and-go-seek but i thought it would be HILERIOUS if the girls went inside once the boys went to hide. lol so the boys made me count to 103 and the girls went inside. ha.
so then we look out the window and we see the friggen boys sitting on the window sill! lmao!! QUITTERS!
then!! omg then!! Mauro moons us! aaaaaah we all turned and screamed. it was soo funny.
then we cut the cake! ah. those friggen candles wouldnt go out! but it was funny. we served the chocolate cake with Vanilla Bean icecream. :P my friggen favorite!!
ah i'll finish later..