Feb 02, 2005 11:02
I've come to realize that all bus drivers at StonyBrook are insane. First I met the crazy "photographer" and yesterday I met the "Joker", who was snagging a ride from the actual bus driver. The Joker sat across from me and insisted upon punching me in the shoulder when he made a joke. Honestly, the man might have been on crack. He laughed like a mad man and wouldn't stop talking to me. Please someone tell me why people just talk to me like this and won't stop....other students on the bus must of thought he was my best friend.
On another note, I felt like crap yesterday. I also had to get a hepatitis shot, amazingly I didn't really cry at all....I have to go back on March 3rd to get the next shot in the series and then 4 months after that to get the last. At least it will give me peace of mind I suppose, it's worth it. Anyhow I left Mickey's at like 11 cause my throat hurt and I just wanted to pick up nyquil at 7-11 and go home and sleep. While looking through the other choices of medicine at "Sev's", I couldn't help but remember people robo-tripping over the summer (once they stole the robitussin from 7-11 of course) and how ridiculous things were. haha
well yea i went home passed out and woke up this morning around ten with a hella headache and yup, still haven't started any homework, mostly reading, whatsoever. awesome. but im thinking im not going to try at school anymore, well because i dont want to. i rather have a good time, because that is what life is really about, and that is what gives you good memories. so yup.