Sep 16, 2005 16:58
So yesterday i'm mad late to class like usual and i notice it is misting a little and i'm thinking "fuck, i have no umbrella, no jacket, no hood...nothing" but it is too late to turn around and get something so i just go to class. I get out of my first class and it seems a little sunnier so I'm thinking I lucked out. Then I get out of shitty agricultural revolution, which had the shades in the room down, and it is pouring outside. I had like a 10 minute walk to my car. Fucking sucked man. I ran from building to building at the points when the rain seemed to get a little less heavy. Even worse was the fact that I was wearing flip flops and trying to run and kept going into puddles and splashing and almost falling down like 1329823487 times. On my last leg of the journey i ran into this huge river that i had to like wade across, even worse was that it wasn't like normal color. Instead it was all like yellow brown and looked toxic...i'll probably be developing a skin disease. Oh well. The whole situation was a little comical, but i was hella pissed i had taken the time out to blow my hair dry that morning.
Yea, I got my hair cut and i think i want it even shorter.
I gotta go make a cd before i leave for work so Peace