omg well im sure all of u already know. but I MET M-SHADOWS!!!! :-) yesterday was like the best day of my yr lol nothing this good has happened in such a long time.. i even have a pic with him.. =) im sure none of u care but as u can tell im so excited!! he was sooo hott. carolyn i wish u could have been there to see him in person. well it was awsome! warped tour was great. i thot i wouldnt be able to go but i ended up bein able to so COOL =) but a7x didnt play... :'( but who cares i got to meet m-shadows! *lead singer* ahh it wouldnt have happened if josh wasnt there.. thanks josh. lol he gave me the courage to go talk to him!!! =) lol but ya. heres the pic of me n him. i was totally sunburnt and my hands were shakin my whole body was shakin it was a great feeling!!! ahhh
BUT yaaaa!!! =) =) =) i do not know what else to write. if u wanna talk im me. love u all.