Sinful Magic~ An Atonement Legacy 2.1

May 29, 2013 13:07

Hey. The name's Haruki Daisuke. Firstborn son of the premier Infallibly Good Warlock in the area, and heir to his legacy. I don't know that I'll ever be quite the man my father was, but I am ready for the chance to prove myself. I just hope that whatever evil is out there, my children and I are prepared for it when it comes. Until then, I'm simply another step on this legacy of Atonement.

"You sure you made the right choice, baby?" Cara asked, looking over at Torrac. "I mean, he's a good kid and all, but I think Naoto would've been just as capable."

"Naoto can't settle down." Torrac replied with a sigh. "He's like I once was. Shallow and flighty. Not a good choice for building more generations. I... improved when this mantle was forced on me, but I don't know if Naoto can or even would do the same."

Hearing the door's lock turn, Torrac stood from his spot. "He's home. Haruki's moved back in."

"Hey Dad." Haruki greeted when he stepped through the door. "So, I guess it's just me back in the house now?"

"Yes." Torrac replied, reaching behind his back for something. "Now, Haruki, I have something for you. A welcome-home present. And a sign that you are the current heir."

"Aw, Dad, you shouldn't have!" Haruki replied, surprised at the gift. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"I know I haven't always been the father I promised I'd be." Torrac replied sheepishly. "But I wanted you to know that I do love you. Your present is a doll I bought in Takemizu Springs when your mother and I were on our honeymoon. Local legends say that if you sleep with this doll next to your head, memories you've forgotten will come back to you in your sleep. I felt it an... appropriate gift for the one who would take up this mantle."

"Thanks, Dad." Haruki replied, kissing his father on the cheek. His eyes were a bit teary as he said, "And I probably didn't show it enough when I was a kid because I was too busy being an ungrateful little bastard who didn't understand that the younger sibling needed more care, but... I love you too. And come tomorrow, you'll be meeting my wife."

"That's my boy." Torrac replied with a proud grin. "Now go get married. I want to meet this girl."

What can I say, I'm a man of my word? Besides... I've been wanting to do this for ages now.

"I've known from the day we met that we were soul mates."

Now that Meadow's out of college- Summa Cum Laude of her class with a degree in Physics!- we can really begin our lives together.

"With this ring, I thee wed."

I am a very lucky man to have a girl this pretty and this smart be my wife. Even with all my weirdness.

"And with this ring, I'll be your wedded wife."

And now I know that we'll be together forever. Until death, and after.

"I love you, Meadow Livingston Daisuke."

"I love you, Haruki Daisuke."

Meadow was quick to suggest we begin working on making some baby geniuses. I couldn't agree with her more. So we consummated our marriage. And I swear, I thought I heard a lullaby just before we fell asleep.

With Meadow still asleep, I decided to start searching the skies for any extra-terrestrials that might be lurking. I hope my signals are reaching them. Having an encounter with an alien creature would be incredibly interesting!

Wait. Wait. WAIT. I changed my mind, on second thought, I don't think this is a good idea at all!

Owww. And now, my ass is sore. In all the worst kind of ways. Ugh.

Oh sure, laugh it up. I just got back from being anally probed, and the first thing any of you can do is laugh. Where's my sympathy? That really hurt. It was an interesting experience, but... Still. Unpleasant.

Meadow found a job as a Science Teacher. I'm happy for her. She's starting work on reaching her life goals. I, unfortunately, have had no such luck with finding education positions... You'd think, with my Dad being Education Minister, that he could pull some strings, but no openings yet.

"Hey, Mom? Dad?" Haruki asked, looking over at his parents. "I've been feeling really... really strange since I got back from being captured by the aliens. Bloated and kind of sick. Any bright ideas on what could be going on there?"

"Funny, that's kind of the way I've felt for the past few hours too." Meadow replied. Suddenly, a wave of nausea gripped her stomach, and she stood from the table to run to the bathroom.

I... wouldn't have believed it if I couldn't feel the evidence moving within my own body. I'm not sure how, but somehow, during my encounter, the aliens managed to impregnate me. This is highly fascinating, but how is it biologically possible-? Oh, yes. Meadow's pregnant too. We should be going into labor within hours of each other. Having two babies around this early on will prove interesting. I'm glad my parents are still here to help.

It's strange, but since both of us are pregnant, Meadow and I have grown much closer to one another. Closer than we already were, if that's even possible. I'm fascinated by how her body can handle all these changes- and she's marvelling that I'm managing to survive these. I hope I CAN survive the birth. It doesn't seem like it's going to be a pleasant process.

Meadow's labor was a mercifully short one, after which she gave birth to our son, Kaname. So named because he is a 'vital point' in our lives, the first of our children.

I didn't know she'd given birth already because I was sleeping. At least, I was sleeping up until the point that I felt something trying to force its way out of me in any way possible. The labor felt like it was going on for ages, and only later did I realize why. I'd been pollinated with twins. Which means now, we have three babies to take care of. I hope we can handle this...

The alien children were a boy and a girl. The boy, Makoto, or "faith", was born first. His sister, Miyako, or "beautiful arrow child", followed soon after.

Miyako is so sweet. She's such a quiet baby. I can't help but dote on her!

And Dad's always looking out for the babies, Kaname especially, making sure they have everything they need.

Because I don't want my children to grow up thinking the way I did, that one child is favored over the others, I try to spend time with them equally. Honestly, I might not ever find my dream job. And I have come to accept that fact. I don't care if I get the chance to teach for money or not. Teaching these children is enough for me.

They're so adorable when they're sleeping.

Meadow has proven a much better mother than mine, in that she is always willing to help look after the babies. Changing diapers...

...and putting the little ones to bed.

None of the drama I remember from my childhood is here. Everyone is happy. Even Mom seems to have come to terms with taking care of little ones. I won't ever forgive her for her neglect when I was young, but at least she's not neglecting my children.

Makoto is an adorable, if a bit strange-looking toddler. The massive eyes only add to his cuteness. He's a babbling, playful, outgoing little tyke. He'll be a handful to look after.

Miyako was always a quiet baby. She's even quieter now, shying away from even her family. I think she's a tad self-conscious about her appearance, but to me, she looks perfectly fine.

And Kaname grew up to be a beaming little boy. He's not quite as nice as his siblings, but he's not overly fussy either.

Unfortunately, poor Meadow's cooking skills have yet to really improve.

Everyone's been pitching in to make sure that these three toddlers are all trained in what they need to know to be successful children. While Meadow's at work and I'm getting shut-eye, Mom and Dad take care of the rest.

"Wook at mah drawing, 'Yako!" Kaname said, shoving his scribbles in the way of Miyako's current block-building project. She was a very good builder, and she loved building things. "It's an alien, like you!" he added, smiling. Kaname loved anything to do with the sciences, just like both his parents.

"It's very nice, Kaname." Miyako murmured, so softly no one heard her over the sound of Makoto banging out "Ode To Joy" on his tiny xylophone.

Even though Haruki tried very hard not to show favoritism, Miyako couldn't help but think that she was her father's favorite. He always seemed to spend a little more time with her.

"BOOM! And the demolition's done!" Miyako said, knocking down her block tower. "Time to rebuild!"

"Nice explosion, sis." Makoto cheered, still working on his drawing. "Look! I drew trees!"

Said 'trees' were just a bunch of green scribbles on brown lines, but Miyako was too nice to say it. "They look green..."

Kaname laughed and smiled as he worked on his drawing, but he felt like he shouldn't speak up. Both of his siblings were already nearly talking in complete sentences. He was still using baby talk. It made him feel inadequate, and made him wonder, even through his smile, was there something wrong with him?

Mom and Dad still clearly love each other, even when looking after all these kids.

And when we have the energy, Meadow and I still have our fun.

Dad sometimes takes walks with Lulu. I keep seeing this glowing-eyed canine about. Part of me really wants to interact with it...

Unfortunately, Lulu reached a point where she just didn't want to eat. We would call her and call her. The food would be set out. But she just wouldn't eat at all. Everyone took the loss pretty hard, but Dad took it the hardest...

Of course, Mom was right there to cheer him up before the three kids all had their birthdays.

With all three of my children now old enough to go to school, I need to think about what opportunities I can afford them. I want all of them to have the same quality education I did growing up. Even if I can't be a teacher, I'll make sure my kids have the best damn teachers around.

sinful magic atonement legacy generation

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