Sinful Magic~ An Atonement Legacy 1.4

May 20, 2013 19:31

My name is Torrac Daisuke, and I am one of the last remaining Warlocks of Riverblossom Hills. My mentor, Adriana, told me that it was my duty to pass down the spark of magical blood to future generations, to teach them all that I know. But I am not sure if I am the best one to carry this burden. I see in myself the potential to use even the best of spells for evil ends. I've hurt people in the past- not through my magic, but interpersonally. I don't know if I'm worthy to carry out this task. I suppose, for me, passing this knowledge down is my means of redemption. A Legacy... of Atonement...

Haruki is certainly taking steps to establish his own identity. I had some... questions about that tattoo, but he assured me that the parlor where he had it done was perfectly safe, so I didn't need to worry.

Not like it really matters what he chooses to wear, as he has to wear his uniform during school hours.

He really needs to stop overworking himself so much, though. I'm proud of him, but he spends most evenings passed out on his bed until early hours of the morning.

Naoto's been growing up very well. I managed to get him walking and staying upright today. It won't be long now before he's a child.

Haruki's passion for science has paid off in a big way. We've received several checks from scientific societies for planets and constellations he's found. He has yet to go to the Aspirational Laboratories, but I strongly encourage him to do so. It might help him find like-minded people.

But the time for Haruki to lead a normal teen's life is at an end. He's old enough now to learn my powers, to know what he may one day have to do...

"Son, can we have a talk?" Torrac asked, looking down where Haruki was lounged on the couch after a hard day at school. Maintaining a 4.0 GPA wasn't an easy feat.

"Sure, Dad." Haruki replied, sitting up.

"So, am I in trouble?" Haruki began hesitantly, looking at his father for reassurance. "Is this about the whole tattoo thing? Because I told you, I was safe about it-!"

Torrac sighed. "No, this isn't about the tattoo. Like I said before, I don't care how you choose to mark yourself. It doesn't matter to me. No, this is a lot more important."

"Well, what is it?" Haruki asked, looking confused.

Torrac took a deep breath to steady his nerves before replying, "Son, you know that I am a warlock, I should hope... Then you should know that you have magical blood in you. Magical blood that needs to be awakened. I have to turn you into a warlock so that we may continue the line of magical blood for future generations."

"Hang on a second!" Haruki interrupted. "Don't I get a say in this?!"

His heart was pounding furiously in his chest. Become a warlock? Leave regular, normal, logical life behind? Could he do it?

"I'm sorry, son, but no." Torrac replied. "You... might not be the one who carries down the family line. That task could go to Naoto. If it does, then... you are free to 'cure' yourself of having your magical blood awakened if you like. But I have to awaken the both of you in order to see which one of you should carry on the line."

"But-!" Haruki interrupted. "What if I don't want children? What if I don't want to have a family or anything like that? What then?"

"Haruki Daisuke." Torrac replied, a firm edge in his voice that Haruki had never heard before. In this statement of his name, there was an echo of the true magical power he held in him, that which he never really used. The teen's voice died in his throat at this. "Believe me when I say that I wish I didn't have to do this either, but..."

"Something dark is coming. My mentor could feel it, I can sense it in the aether. It might not be a concern right now, but you have to know how to educate your children in the magical arts. You and Naoto, you have the benefit of my current mentor still living. That luxury won't be afforded to your children, or your childrens' children. Like it or not, even for all my power, I cannot stop my own death from coming. I'm getting old, and she was elderly when she started teaching me. You're a smart boy, you do the math. She won't live for much longer. So I have to awaken you and Naoto so that whichever one of you is the chosen heir can educate their children."

Haruki sighed, narrowing his eyes in frustration. "Way to pick great times to spring this on someone, Dad. I'm already having issues keeping that 4.0, and now you want me to study magic in addition to something else. But sure. I guess I can deal with it."

"That's reassuring to hear." Torrac replied. "Now come on. It's time I showed you what's in that one room I never allowed you to enter.

"Whoa, this stuff is actually yours? That throne too?" Haruki asked in pure awe of the thaumaturgical wonders surrounding him.

"Yes, the throne is mine, but I must urge you not to use it. It's a very powerful tool, but it's very easy to get addicted to its power. Believe me, that's not something you want to deal with. I know from personal experience." Torrac replied. "Now, are you ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, Dad." Haruki replied, now looking slightly worried.

Can I really do this? Can I force my son into this life? What if he barely has any power at all? What if he's more powerful than I am? What can I teach him? Should I teach him or let Adriana-?

Well, what's done is done. For better or for worse, Haruki is a full-blooded Warlock now.

"How do you feel, son?" Torrac asked as Haruki walked out the door in preparation to cast his very first spell.

"Pretty good, actually. Alive. Energized. Excuse me for a sec, I have to burn some of this energy off."

And when he stepped outside, Haruki did just that, letting loose some of the pent-up magical energy inside him in the form of a spell to beautify the location. The starlight shone brighter than before, beams of heavenly radiance twinkling from the sun's reflection off the moon.

"How nice..." Haruki sighed to himself as he watched the beams of light dance in the night sky. "And I helped to create this..."

Stepping back inside, he asked, "So, Dad... are you going to tutor me, or...?"

Torrac, still distracted by dealing with Naoto, took a moment to reply to Haruki's question. "I can, but I have a feeling you'll learn better if you study it on your own, given the way you go about doing things for school. You can either study here or go to the Palace of Neverending Light, where my mentor Adriana still resides. That way, if you need help, or need a place to take a break, it's readily available to you."

With his father's advice in mind, Haruki summoned his broom and took off. The broom seemed to know the way.

Once he arrived at the palace, he set right to studying. While he initially began studying the arts of light, he realized midway through that the more practical magics were the neutral ones, and in mastering them, he'd be able to keep his anonymity. So, he changed his course, and after what seemed like ages, finally, he had mastered his craft in walking the middle path.

When at last he was finished studying, and had taken a moment to rest himself in the throne that was present there, Haruki walked up to his father's old mentor, the one who'd awakened him. "Adriana?"

"Yes? Who is it?" Adriana asked, looking over at the young man. It took her only a moment to see her pupil's eyes staring back at her.

"You are Torrac's son, aren't you?" she asked, turning away from her potion-making to look at the young man properly.

"Yes. How did you know-?" Haruki asked.

"You have your father's eyes. And most of his face, I believe." Adriana replied. "And that same masterful mind. I can sense the powerful aura around you. Already mastered it, haven't you?"

Haruki was floored. "Yes, I have. I haven't exactly followed my father's path, but... I want to use my magic to help people. Myself included. And I feel like I can do that more effectively by not giving myself away."

Adriana clapped joyously as she heard the young man speak. "Oh, yes yes yes, it's perfectly all right. We have needed powerful warlocks who walk the road less traveled for ages now. I wish you luck in your path, and give your father my regards- he's produced a very fine warlock."

Haruki was beaming from ear to ear as he walked out of the palace and back towards his home.

"So... I met Adriana today." Haruki began when he returned back home. "How long was I gone?"

"Just about two hours. I know, it probably felt like twenty years. The magical world does that to you." Torrac replied.

"And that's great that you spoke with Adriana. Did she tutor you or did you discover things yourself?" Torrac asked.

"I studied by myself. I didn't talk with her until after I was done." Haruki answered.

"And, um... Dad? I've chosen to walk the grey path. I hope you're not pissed at me for not following yours, but... I want to keep a low profile. If this dark thing does show up any time soon, glittering and glowing isn't exactly going to help keep us safe. And this way, I have a spell that stops time if I need it."

"That's... actually a good idea, Haruki. Smart thinking. I'm proud of you."

I am one sexy son of a bitch. Haruki thought to himself as he looked over his reflection in the mirror after that discussion.

Haruki's exceeded all my wildest dreams for him, rising to the top of his journalism work after school. Now, he's working as an English teacher's aide, and he told me just the other day that he felt like teaching was his calling. I've never been more proud of him.

After what felt like ages, Naoto is finally a child. I'm not sure how he's  developed compared to Haruki, but we'll see that in the days to come.

Haruki's been going to the Aspirational Labs of late, both in hopes of learning more about Science and in hopes of meeting a like-minded young woman while he's over there. Judging from the surliness of his face when he returns, I'm assuming his ventures haven't been successful. Perhaps he's being too picky?

Naoto is a very effeminate little boy, but then, given his predisposition for playing with that dollhouse, I'm not surprised. He's also proven himself an avid lover of games. And he is frighteningly intelligent.  Very frighteningly so. He is a master strategist at the chessboard- and a cheater with a sore temper when he loses. I can only hope he grows out of this before too long.

With some encouragement from his mother, Haruki has applied to college and left us behind already. I have faith that he will succeed in his endeavors.

Naoto has been accepted into private school, albeit a different one than his brother. I can't say I'm surprised, given that we've upgraded the house, and that Naoto is, as I said, frighteningly intelligent. He's already almost mastered the game of chess, and many others.

He is much closer to Cara than Haruki was, given they leave the house at the same time, but he's still not particularly close to her.

And as I suspected he would, Naoto has maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA throughout his years in school.

He's made a friend or two, mostly to teach them what he knows about games.

And even though Cara and I still love each other very much, I can tell that something with us has died. This is not at all helped by my own aging body. I'm getting old. My hair is starting to grey. Sooner than I care to think about, I'll be facing my own death...

Am I ready? Have I done all that I can for my children?

These old bones of mine can't work with too much, though I'm still going to try my damndest to get to the top of my career before I call it quits. I need the throne more and more each day. I have little doubt that soon, it will be all that sustains me- and the day I choose to step away from it will be the day I bid this life goodbye.

Brightening up these golden years is a stray dog that Cara found wondering the streets. A shelter dog named Lucy. She's not particularly smart, but she's learned a fair few tricks.

And now, Naoto is a teenager, and Carla has become old, like me. Even if we wanted more children, it would be an impossibility now. Maybe with this development, things between us can be fixed...

Naoto has also chosen to alter his appearance a bit. I don't particularly care for the dreadlocks- and I won't start on the make-up- but it is his body, thus his decision what he does with it.

As I give Lucy a much-needed bath, I'm forced to consider the fact that I will have to tell Naoto about what he might have to do. Given his effeminate ways, I'm more and more convinced that Haruki is the proper choice for heir, simply for Naoto's own happiness, but I could be reading the situation incorrectly. This would best be resolved by talking to him directly.

"Hey Dad. So, what's with the whole 'calling me to meet you out here on the balcony' thing about?" Naoto asked. "You looked really serious about it."

"Yes, well, it's very serious. You see-"

"Lemme guess- I'm a warlock, like you, I need my powers woken up, and you're gonna do it." Naoto replied.

Torrac clapped his hands together excitedly, saying, "Yes, yes, precisely. That saves me a lot of expository information. I'd ask how you figured it out, but then, you've always been a smart kid. But... I do have one question for you. It's personal, but I need to know. Are you- at all- interested in women?"

"Sure." Naoto replied. "I'm more interested in men, but if I need to be with a chick, I'll do it. I mean, I really don't care either way, honestly."

"Okay." Torrac sighed in relief. "That's good to know. Well, bad for me because it makes my decision harder, but... at any rate. Just know that only one of you between you and your brother is moving back here."

Once the two walked into Torrac's (remodeled) "warlock's keep", Naoto asked, "So... how exactly does this happen? You wave a wand and I'm magical?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that, but you'll understand when you start studying magic for yourself." Torrac answered.

Naoto showed a lot more trepidation about having his magical blood awakened once I started casting the spell, but he adjusted to his newfound power quickly enough.

And now he, like his brother, has gone off to college. Now, it is in fate's hands how my boys develop. I've overseen them this far- it's up to them to choose their path from this point on. Now that they're gone, I have to make the toughest decision of my life: Which son will be welcomed back into the home? And which one is forced to find their own way?

I have a lot of thinking ahead of me.

sinful magic atonement legacy warlock he

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