A note to my "friends".

Jul 24, 2008 00:03

In my last entry I wrote about how Josh had quit his job, and how I was glad because he wasn't treated well there.

Well, apparently someone on my friends list printed off my entry, and took it to his old boss and showed her.
Who this was I have no idea, but I must say that I'm completely disgusted.

These thoughts and opinions are my own, and I'm entitled to them.
If you don't like what I have to say, then don't fucking read it.

To do something that low and try to make my life any harder than it already is at this point is unforgivable.
I only wish I knew who it was so I could really tell them what I thought.

In the meantime however, I'm getting rid of this journal and starting a new one.
I became a different person when Miles was born, and was changed yet again when he died, and the person that kept this journal doesn't exist anymore.

The new journal will be friends only and I'll add to it only the people I know and trust.

Au revoir, bitch asses.
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