[his expression tightens, eyes narrowing just slightly]
Shouldn't you know? Sir? [where he's from, he has to call someone like Zexoin 'sir'. it doesn't sound terribly respectful, more like something said by rote]
[he's suspicious, but...it's not like he's seen all the Nobodies in person. without knowing his name or remembering his face, he can't know which one he's speaking to]
[His eyes widen slightly, amused by this information.]
As long as the Organization exists, you will remain as one. Or I am mistaken?
[He turns back, no longer facing the sphere. So this version of Riku was a loyal servant of the Organization? He was quite fortunate. Perhaps, Riku still shouldered the darkness, directly or not.]
The Keyblade masters were not part of my duties. However, now that no one is here to assure everything is in order, it will become part of my jurisdiction.
[Lifting his hand to his chin, observing carefully]
...you're...what? [this is a shock to Riku; Axel is one of the oldest Organization members, of if this Nobody is his superior...his stance goes rigid, tension apparent in every line of his body]
I'll...be there.
((ooc: Oh dear, you replied just after I left for bed. Sorry! ;; But I wouldn't mind at all if you set up a log. :D))
You're one of the Organization. [doesn't look very happy about this at all]
How could I forget...
I don't think I'm that memorable.
But there is something different in you.
[He treads in a circle, around the sphere - studying him.]
Perhaps you are another of those...
What has the Organization done to you?
Shouldn't you know? Sir? [where he's from, he has to call someone like Zexoin 'sir'. it doesn't sound terribly respectful, more like something said by rote]
The Organization has done countless things, I do not know which has involved you directly.
I'm a keyblade master for the Organization.
As long as the Organization exists, you will remain as one. Or I am mistaken?
[He turns back, no longer facing the sphere. So this version of Riku was a loyal servant of the Organization? He was quite fortunate. Perhaps, Riku still shouldered the darkness, directly or not.]
[just what is he getting at? being a Nobody, shouldn't he know? besides, it's not like Riku has any choice in the matter.
but better to play it dumb and see what happens]
[Lifting his hand to his chin, observing carefully]
Perhaps we should meet.
[there's a moment's hesitation, but it quickly passes] Very well.
But he is Number VIII, I am, naturally, a superior to him.
I expect to meet you at the emulated beach. Level 16. At twilight hour.
((ooc: I have an free day tomorrow, would you like my to set yup the log? ^^ ))
I'll...be there.
((ooc: Oh dear, you replied just after I left for bed. Sorry! ;; But I wouldn't mind at all if you set up a log. :D))
I will be expecting you.
[makes no comment, turning off his Sphere to get ready]
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