
Mar 01, 2009 11:25

[filter] So this craft belonged to a group... with apparent 'good' intentions. Using that female wolf as a test subject was perhaps the most convenient option. She assumed all the risks and clearly... was simple-minded, which wouldn't risk our situation. Most certainly... they consider her harmless, which is quite convenient to us due to the generalizing tendency it exists.
Her unexpected departure has affected the passengers in a psychological level. Hallucinations, inner fears, nightmares. They all come to life, inexistent to us, real in their eyes. I cannot feel anxiety, but I remember what it was---
I can keep my composure... I am a Nobody. Besides I know Axel and the Replica are not in this planet. Axel disappeared. So has Roxas... I wonder if my illusion was related to this... he lost himself instead of submitting to the Organization. I don't think my plan backfired... but there are many theories.

So far... I can only sit and watch until the captive wolf girl is seen again. Or perhaps until the commander of that craft decides to contact us. But there is something I cannot obviate. The tests they were running on the girl, attempting to determine the "level of harmful substance". What is this exactly? Does it mean I am also infected and I have not perceived it? Her most recent message mentions this "Level three". It is very possible it refers to the level of contamination. Without knowing its scale or what it truly causes.... there is nothing I can do. Yet, there is always this... daemon... Neuro.

Until more is revealed, I will visit certain individuals. The Darkness in their Hearts is so vulnerable now. [/]

[neuro]Fragmented information, scattered clues. It is obvious this is a mystery. [/]

Needless to say... Roxas has disappeared. I would say he got lost attempting to find the other Axel... Ironically, the older incarnation of Number XIII has returned. I apologize if I have not properly greeted you, Roxas... Now I do.

the cloaked schemer, who is the master?, hi roxas [au], mindraep!tiem, !plot: conspiracy theory, musings, !plot: planetary, [ou] neuro, +second cycle, [ou] riku

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