Okay I expected many people to rush at me so I'm making one public journal solely for my f-list to place their orders here. Because, you know, it's very very hard to keep track of what you guys want from me...and I definitely won't be able to remember them all.
There are rules of placing orders though. I'm not trying to make you suffer, but I also need something in return if you're doing long term requests from me - It's not about earning from you. But call this an equivalent trade, fair right? And besides, with rules, I can probably do things better.
Don't worry, I won't kill your planned expenses for it. Nor I'm going to make you suffer if you follow the rules well. So here goes.
- There is no limit on how many things you're trying to order from me, but please, I suggest you guys to not go berserk and place 10 items all at once from me.
- First and second time request will be free and I don't charge commissions for the first and second time requests (friends only apply), but for constant requests starting the third onwards, I'll charge 10% for it. Let's say the item you're requesting me to buy is 3,000yen, you'll have to pay extra 10% for it. Any strangers who are making orders with me will be charged 50% extra instead of 30%, because I wanna avoid doing request for people that I do not know at all, it doesn't matter it's YOUR friend or YOUR relatives or whatever, if you wanna request me stuff for your friends that I do not know at all, 50% is automatically charged without questions asked. Well, don't like it? Then I suggest E-bay/Amazon/Play-Asia for your needs then.
- I do shipping, but you have to pay me the shipping fees (doh), and if you want to skip it, just wait for my return in Malaysia then. I don't charge commissions for shipping but if you're ordering expensive stuff, then I do suggest you to not go for shipping unless you are living outside Malaysia...Which you can personally deal with me to see how it goes.
- All dealings MUST BE DONE via Paypal. If you do not have one, please ask any friend of yours who has Paypal, or you can pay it to me personally - if I'm in Malaysia that is. But of course, when you're paying through paypal please let me know that you've paid so that I can keep track. Of course there are many ways, but Paypal is by far the best way to make dealings and payments.
- NEW! Since Malaysia has opened their services on Paypal. It is time to actually implement this rule in : Any requests you done will have to be done with payment in advance - simply put, PLEASE pay as soon as you made your order. I no longer will do any "I buy for you first you pay later" requests anymore because personally I don't think it's worth it anymore. My sincierest apology beforehand for any inconviniences caused.
If any, I'll only do advance payment for only a selective people that I actually trust (for those who are doing long term requests with me and is worth the faith and trust). This may sound very bias, but hey, You're making a request from me, I have my choice on whether I'll accept it or not. Don't like it? You can always ask others to do the job for you.
As long as you do not make your payment : you do not get your stuff, ever.
AMMENDED : If you're a paypal user, just make your payment to my paypal account at : shigetsuyuki@hotmail.co.jp. Once you made your payment PLEASE AT LEAST NOTIFY ME, THROUGH MSN, IRC, E-MAIL WHATEVER, AT LEAST LET ME KNOW THAT YOU MADE YOUR PAYMENT. Else if you don't, I'll take that amount you paid as a donation and I won't return you the money, I'll eat your money up, use it, waste it. Seriously.
When you make payments using Paypal, you definitely will have to pay extra due to the charges made by Paypal. Here's the formula of the payment you'll need to consider before making one, and please use this website to calculate the charges :
http://www.rolbe.com/paypal.htm [The total price of your stuff you want] + [Paypal tax from the link posted above] + [400yen for transfering Paypal money to Japanese bank account] + [10% for 3rd time request if any] = TOTAL AMOUNT
- NEW!When you're requesting stuff. I highly advice that you make sure of your orders before anything : I have some people who are highly uncertain of what they want and all when they are trying to request things from me. I personally found this highly annoying for one thing - especially during Comiket where thanks to such uncertainity I am always late for my planned schedules, in the end having to suffer the consequences from it. I am fine with people having hard time in choosing what they want and all, but please do not drag other people to suffer with you as well. You can't be paying me say RM200 and say "I want this but uhh I'm not sure whether it's good or not", It really made me think that you're making orders with me just to add unnecessary workloads. You're making request with people, so please make their life easier for them.
The same goes for calculation. I no longer will calculate the price for you anymore. While you may ask me for the price of the product and I'll answer it for you. How much do you have to pay in the end is entirely up to YOUR calculation. To be directly frank : You're requesting stuff from people yet you're asking them to calculate and do every calculation for you? In other words, Please be considerate of one's feelings.
- If it's about requesting for light stuff like postcards, or omiyage (souvenirs), Commissions will not be counted, ever.
- I do reserve the right to reject your orders, and when I do, there's usually a reason, unless I prefer not to tell. However, chances of me rejecting your orders are most likely close to none. Of course, unless I have a good reason to reject it.
- Anything above 18 (questionable material) is restricted. But I didn't say anything about not allowed : By restricted, I mean no shipping until I get back to Malaysia. If you insist on being impatient then by all means go ahead, just take note that you'll be the one responsible if anything happens during the custom checks.
- Beforehand there is a sort of unofficial method of making a payment with me through banking payment (by banking the money to me into my Standard Charted account), but now since Japan is playing screwups with me about the Mastercard service being entirely halted for reasons that makes you boil, No more banking payments are allowed for request anymore - from now on everything is strictly Paypal. Please refer above on how to pay and what to do if you do not have a paypal account on hand
- NEW! For Comiket orders, you are heavily adviced to make your orders one month to 2 weeks BEFORE the event kicks in. Comiket is usually held twice per year : Summer Comiket (August) and Winter Comiket (December) - and with the same rule applied from above, If interested, you're more than welcome to make orders with me. However, Comiket will always dry my wallet like no tommorow, you're heavily adviced to pay beforehand into my paypal account before anything else. I'm definitely not paying for you in advance for Comiket stuff, ever.
However, the rules for charging strangers for buying any Comiket stuff will be raised from 50% to x5 of the original price instead. So be careful before you're trying to ask me to buy doujins for your friends that I have no idea of.
* - Subjected to change. ALL CHANGES WILL BE BOLD IF MADE.
[Definition of "strangers"]
Simple : As long as I have not met the person before; or anyone that I know by only name but not met the person face to face; or never communicated face to face before; I count them as strangers, name only does not cut it. I don't care if the said person is the Prime Minister or President or God, as long as I do not know the person well enough to be "friends" he will be charged exclusively higher than normal. End of story.
Of course if there is anything missing I'll definitely update it once in a while to ensure everything goes correctly.
You may place your orders now if you want to. Preferbably you can bookmark this particular entry if you want to keep track of what you've ordered.
Have fun!
2/1/2010 - Refined section.