Dec 10, 2010 14:59
I finally have a new laptop. She is shiny and black and oh god it has been far too long since I've had access to a computer where the screen wasn't cracked. I am so ridiculously happy. I have also named her, as I name all my favourite electronics. Her name is Florence. It just suits her. She and Gilbert make a nice match, even if Gilbert is a little scruffier than she is.
Anyways. So of course, the first thing that I do once I have a computer that actually works wirelessly and has a good screen, is go online and indulge in fandom addictions. I should probably be shot, because instead of working on my NaNoWriMo project as I should, I got myself addicted to two whole other fandoms. I've been watching less anime and way more of the BBC, lately, so to my list of downfalls I have added Merlin and Supernatural (talk about being behind the trend, huh, and yes, I am AWARE that SPN is not a BBC program. Most of the other new shows I'm into, though, are).
So, while I'm still trying to finish up the novel I started in November, which kind of blew up out of control - completely not my fault, btw, that Leanne came out of the closet to me halfway through as very bi and made that whole three-sided relationship into a really awkward triangle that needed a hell of a lot more expansion and started its own spinoff alternate timeline fic - I'm also trying to still indulge in new fandoms, without fanfiction totally taking over my life like it normally does when I get into a new fandom. It's probably a good thing my new laptop has a huge internal memory. I can see I might need that pretty quick.
I have so much internet to catch up on. o.o