++ Start again with a brand new name

Sep 06, 2009 22:13

It feels like the world is falling down around me

What's going on, everyone? How are you all? Sorry again for being so slack and not updating. Ugh, this is becoming a regular occurrence. It's horrible, really. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!! I need to start flisting more as well. It's not fair on all of you having me as a ~friend and me not doing anything ~friendly.. or, anything at all, really.

Things have been hectic lately. Hectic but, not. I'm not 100% sure whether that makes any sense, in general, but, eh. It's not like I have been overly busy. Because well, let's face it, it's not like I'm actually doing any of the Uni homework I'm meant to be doing. I did start off the semester pretty well; doing the required homework and reading, etc. Being on top of everything, and then it just all went downhill, and I stopped doing it. My weekends have been so short - even though I have from Thursday - Sunday, off. I guess I'm just beyond lazy. I don't really do anything. BUT I FEEL SO BUSY!!!!! I really don't know what's going on. I have two presentations this week (Tuesday (Business Comm) & Wednesday (Accounting)), and I haven't started preparing for either of them, which is bad. Really. Bad (lol I have because i'm bad, i'm bad, SHAMONE! in my head, haha).

It's been hard since June 25. I have good days, and then I have other days when I just break down and lose my shit. I'm sure some of you know why, and I feel like if I go into it again, I'll break down and have to start re-building.. again. So I think I will just leave it at that on that topic. It's heartbreaking.

I need a routine. You know, actually have a bed time and a wake up time and everything in between. I know, it sounds so childish, and immature. But shiiiiiiit, I'm so tired, all the time, and so unorganised! My priorities are all out of whack. Just, aaaaaaaargh. So if any of you have any suggestions for how I can 'manage time' and sort my shit out, that would be so helpful. I'm incompetent when it comes to this shit. I always have been, unfortunately.

DO ANY OF YOU HAVE CURES FOR NECK PAIN OR LOWER BACK PAIN!? I woke up yesterday and my neck was in like some serious pain. I could barely move it. I don't know what I did to it, but aaaaaaaah, eff it hurts! It's a bit better today but there's still some lingering pain, which is just generally pissing me off. I would really enjoy looking to my right, lmao. My muscles clearly have something against me.

On another, completely random note; AAAAHHH NEW 30 SECONDS TO MARS ALBUM COMING OUT SOON!!!!! Eff, I am soooooo excited. Shit, I am going to like, completely lose my shit when they finally come back down here touring. AAAHH! :D

I will try and be more organised with my flist, and organise that, too, so none of the big comms are on it, which basically takes up all my flist and hence, I miss all of you lovely peoples posts (does that sentence make sense, it doesnt seem it like it, haha).

Thank you all for being so patient! ♥
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