Aug 22, 2005 02:24
i could really use a day of shopping.
it's depressing to work at hollister, and still
not be able to afford the cute clothes i'm around everyday, lol.
oh well.
i need new pictures.
the ones up in my room right now
are from like.. forever ago.
i have a lot on my mind.
i'm completely exhausted
and i actually have a couple
days off this week...
so i really should be getting some sleep.
today was a good day though.
i worked, of course.
but when i got into work,
alex was there for his orientation!
i missed that kid. it's been forever since i saw him last.
work was good. haley (my manager) and i
spent most of my shift doing absolutely nothing.
we started making a list of cute stuff
we wanna buy friday when we get paid,lol.
tried on some cute jackets in the stockroom..
then we talked about random stuff.
she's so awesome.
i didn't really do a lot of work today
but that's just because there wasn't anything
for me to do really.
oh well, i got paid to do nothing for 5 hours, lol.
austin & john came in to see me.
it was random. definitely made my day.
of course when two hot guys come into see me
suddenly the girls at work are my new best friends.
funny how that works, lol.
after work, i picked up austin.
we had dinner at my house
and then hung out for a bit.
then we went to wal-mart
and i got chocolate fudge brownie ice cream.
we went back to his apartment and watched a movie.
or, i guess... we fell asleep to a movie, lol.
and i was late getting home. of course.
i have a LOT to do this week.
and a few people i wanna hang out with.
i need to clean out/wash my car
go to the bank to get a debit card thing
get my transcripts from woodham
finish my PJC stuff for next semester
clean austin's freakin apartment, lol
and... who knows what else will come up.
i'm gonna hang out with angel at some point this week
and hannah, also! :)
okay, i'm gonna try to get some sleep.
i get to sleep in tomorrow!!!