You're welcome, my sweetie. You know my need to help kids be successful (and this is the best I can do right now since John said I can't have the other 3). You need to write a letter so we can send the first package!
i hate hypocritical people. especially those ones who say they wont do something that the person before them did and then they do the same thing. I love people who have enough time to up date there live journals and are board, but cant call people back. grr
I understand, but you still have a lot of kissing up to do, body parts include...toes, heals, ankles, shins, knees, thighs, stomach, back, fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, neck, ears, chin, nose, lips. I'll look forward to all this kissing up I will receive.
I should be pissed at all that he has done lately but all i can do is be sympathetic for all he is going through right now. I wish he would let me in, but it is up to him. I cant stop thinking about how much he is hurting right now. I can't sleep knowing he can't sleep, sleep deprivation sucks, my mind wont let me sleep. I just have to sit and watch, and cant help him, cant be there for him. Some things were said too soon, but I dont have a time machine so they are said, unfortinatly. I would never laugh at a bad situation, well maybe my own, but no one elses. I want to be there for him. You never like to see the ones you "love" (love used very loosely, the better word would be care about but we will stick to the saying.)in pain. So I hope things get better for him. I will be at my sisters house for a week,considering my house is empty, no literly, so call my cell if you want me. (949)510-7789
Comments 5
It's Erika!!
I added you on my new LJ.
Hope you don't mind..
..I miss our chats..=(
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