Jun 19, 2009 12:22
Lately I've been subjected to a heapin' helpin' of dumb concerning Iran. Now, I don't expect everyone to have my expertise on the subject (I read a whopping THREE books about modern Iran), but holy peanuts people have been spouting some grade A gibberish. People are talking about Iran like we have never ever ever never ever done anything nasty to them and they only hate us because of "Freedom", "Those Levis Jew Pants", and "That Hippity Hop Sex Music."
So for those of you not in the know, we kinda destroyed their democratically elected government back in the 50's so we could install an oil-exporting monarch. This lead to the Islamic revolution (against our monarch) in the late 70's, which of course rolled into the Iran-Iraq war where we supported the country that attacked Iran AND SO ON.
Anyway, here's something special from Saxby Chambliss, the esteemed senator from some fucking state that no doubt has awesome values (Georgia)...
"Well, that election was, what, almost 60 years ago now. The world has changed dramatically since then. And I dare say that you go up to any of those people in Tehran who are protesting in the streets and say, Hey, what about the United States meddling in your election in the `50s, they would shake their heads, like, What in the world are you talking about?"
Yeah. They probably don't remember that at all. Ancient fucking history. Iranians typically can't read books and don't tell their children about significant happenings.
Dude said that on national TV, without a smile or irony.