[The camera turns on and it's a bit shakey. Currently you'll see Nike looking out towards the PORTAL, with Rapunzel in the background tending to a couple of children. There's pokemon and cats and chaos-- and Nike looks like she could use some sleep.
Though possibly not for the reasons you'd think.]
Mmmkay, so I know like-- half of Prom seems to be tot-sized right now and normally I wouldn't ask for help during somethin' like this.
But has anyone seen a grey cat around? With spots? Or a snow leopard?
Um... because I sorta... kinda lost track of mine.
Any help'd be great.
[A loud crash can be heard and Nike flinches. Rapunzel is seen rushing over to something or someone off screen.]
Also if you got kids you're takin' care of, are a kid who needs to be takin' care of, or just want to help. Feel free to head over to my
place of solace.
[She holds up her camera so everyone can get a better look]
It's the amusement park on the docks. Pretty hard to miss.
Thanks in advanced.
[ooc: KO will be finding Athena for Nike :,D Everyone else can just respond as normal! Also since Elyse is out for now, she won't be responding. All you'll be getting is Nike. BUT If she wants to respond to people after she's back she's free to!]