♂ 01 | video | daytime

Nov 01, 2011 10:46

[Ethan takes a breath and turns on the feed, scrubbing a hand over his face before he remembers the mask, throwing up his hoodie as he fidgets. What can he even say to figments of his imagination? He feels crazy before he even opens his mouth.]

It was a car wreck wasn't it? I don't even have a car, but someone dies from a car accident every 13 minutes. It's like, the leading cause of death in young people in America.

Maybe a car hit me. [No matter what he says, it sounds like a lie and he doesn't like that one bit.]

I guess hypothesizing all day won't make it true. What's with these gay masks anyway?

kitten: breakfast on pluto, rapunzel: tangled, *ethan kastner: original character, arya stark: game of thrones, asha de tisi: original character

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