Vriska? [He's been watching all of this with concern, which explodes to outright worry when he realizes that all that blood is his. He jumps up to run to her aid, but when he turns he sees something that frightens him almost as much.]
Wait! I...I was going to help this time! Vriska, are you--
Too late. Pupa. You aren't good enough to help me. Again! You're always too. Fucking. WEAK!
[He backs away, knocking the PORTAL to the floor, but the screen is quickly covered in spatters of brown blood as Tavros screams]
[He moans. He can hear Vriska screaming at him, screaming his name. And he must be dead. Isn't he dead? He can see the hole in his chest, the blood everywhere. He has to be dead, but he can still hear Vriska screaming at him.]
[Jack is watching too but she needs to see this, needs to know if this city is trying to fuck with her so she shields it as best she can, eyes on the screen and seriously...the hell is going on here with all of this?]
Why are you sorry? What’s going on? Did you come back already?
What? [Fuck fuck fuck she already feels horrendous and now she has that because Tavros’ death wasn’t on Jack’s hands.] I’m not going to kill you Tavros!
Wait! I...I was going to help this time! Vriska, are you--
Too late. Pupa. You aren't good enough to help me. Again! You're always too. Fucking. WEAK!
[He backs away, knocking the PORTAL to the floor, but the screen is quickly covered in spatters of brown blood as Tavros screams]
No...wait she killed Tavros first. He was already dead but he's...
Fuck none of this makes any sense.]
Tavros? Wait!
[A glance back - where did Jack go? Did he see him?]
[Maybe enraged shrieking will get his attention.]
I'm s-sorry...I'm sorry, Vriska.
[Jack is watching too but she needs to see this, needs to know if this city is trying to fuck with her so she shields it as best she can, eyes on the screen and seriously...the hell is going on here with all of this?]
Why are you sorry? What’s going on? Did you come back already?
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