002: night | fear | video & teneka

Oct 14, 2011 00:33

[The green light in Sephiroth eyes shines brighter than ever. Parts of his pale body are crossed with even paler bandages. He is hooked up to wires. They hold him when he tries to move, and so do the restraints that he belatedly notices. He opens his mouth, but he can't speak--because it's night, but he doesn't remember that in the midst of the alarm and anger he transmits via teneka.

He was held like this before. He remembers the scalpel, the needles, the lights in his eyes, the endless tests. He won't be subjected to them again.

There is a burst of powerful energy, blotting out the video feed for at least a full minute before it resumes. When it does, Sephiroth does not see the ruined apartment destroyed by his attack. He sees the sterile surfaces of a laboratory. The teneka shows both his hallucination and the reality, overlapping; it is difficult to tell which is which.

When he sees the containment tanks up against one wall, he would make a noise if he could. He opens his mouth, and his face twists, his eyes flashing, pupils narrowing to slits. They're inside, encased in glass and metal standing like upright tombs. His two friends, one with dark hair, one with red hair, both men bathed in green liquid, eyes closed as if they're sleeping. Two white wings sprout from the dark-haired man's back; a single black wing from the red-haired man. He won't allow this to continue, either. Sephiroth smashes through the supposedly shatterproof material holding them, with his bare hands. Everything shatters at his touch, the skin of his knuckles breaking. He pulls his friends from the wreckage, but it's too late. His friends are dead; they're already dead. They've been murdered. Their skin has been cut open, parts of them removed, as if they were nothing more than specimens, their life with no value but to be studied and ultimately dissected.

That's what he is as well.

Sephiroth seems to be bleeding, yet he is not truly bleeding. Stitches that are not real appear to have been pulled open by the ferocity of his movements. He doesn't care. He holds Angeal in his arms, the dark-haired man with white wings. Both hair and wings are sodden, the poisonous green liquid from the tanks spreading across the floor.

There are wires attached to Sephiroth's skin again, appearing suddenly. He presses his lips to the dead man's forehead.]

[[OOC: Sephiroth poses no danger to any other characters; he'll be returning to his normal, calm self once his Jenova cells begin to metabolize the toxin.]]

soundwave: transformers prime, anna assaoui: martyrs, *sephiroth: final fantasy vii

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