001: night | accidental video/teneka & action

Oct 01, 2011 18:03

Scenario 1: accidental video/teneka (early evening)

[The feed opens on a dark, quiet room. The only movement that can be seen is in the mirror on the wall, bright in comparison to the surrounding shadows ( Read more... )

anna assaoui: martyrs, cloud strife: final fantasy vii, xion: kingdom hearts, *sephiroth: final fantasy vii

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[Action] not_puppet October 2 2011, 15:45:33 UTC
[It's really hard not to notice a 70 stories high skyscraper, and one as familiar to Cloud as this one? He recognizes it at once for what it is, though it is far far different from the ruins he last fought Sephiroth in. He's currently checking out the front entrance, a bemused expression on his face.]

...don't tell me Rufus Shinra's here now.


[action] no_hometown October 2 2011, 16:44:36 UTC
[Though still exploring and experimenting, Sephiroth isn't so absorbed in his thoughts that he doesn't notice the young man by the entrance. There's something quite familiar about him, though he can't see his face from where he's standing. The fact that he's interested in the building is also intriguing, reinforcing the idea that this might be someone he's met before.

Or is this another strange feature of this "dream"? Regardless, he doesn't hesitate to approach.]



[action] not_puppet October 3 2011, 15:47:40 UTC
[Hearing that familiar voice made Cloud freeze up for a moment. It was a voice he's heard in his dreams, his nightmares, his past.

And so, first reaction is to draw his sword on the owner of that voice.]

You...! [Cloud would have preferred Rufus Shinra to appear in Promenade.]


[action] no_hometown October 3 2011, 17:57:34 UTC
[What an interesting sword. Sephiroth studies it for a moment. He doesn't unsheathe his own, instead gazing evenly at Cloud. He is displeased by this and doesn't yet wish to dignify it with action. Although in this strange place, he's willing to admit there could be an explanation for such behavior.] Drawing a weapon on a superior officer is a serious offense.

[He recognizes him, although something's different, not right about this.] You were with Fair at Modeoheim. [He knows everything about Modeoheim now, everything that can be known.] Strife.


[action] not_puppet October 4 2011, 15:34:38 UTC
[What was this 'Strife' business? Previously it was all 'Puppet' or 'Clooooooooooud', both of which he hated for different reasons. And odder still that Sephiroth hadn't drawn his sword yet, not to mention he sounded sane.]

Don't be ridiculous, I haven't been with Shinra for years now. [Since he actively worked to bring down said company.] Did you add a case of amnesia to megalomaniac insanity? You know all this already.


[action] no_hometown October 4 2011, 18:54:00 UTC
[Yes, he can see, Strife has grown older. And his eyes... He has Mako eyes. That's a very telling difference. It warrants investigation, but instead of asking about it immediately, Sephiroth frowns at the mention of his so-called insanity.]

Don't confuse me with Genesis. [His voice sharpens, and he's surprised at the intensity of the pain he feels, speaking so of his former friend. The wounds of Genesis' betrayal and death are still fresh.]

[He won't deign to draw his sword until attacked. He is still the general, and he won't show weakness or legitimize this act of disrespect.] I spoke with you not long ago, concerning the events at Modeoheim, but-- [His visit to Nibelheim still months in his future, he has trouble making sense of this confrontation.] Clearly time has passed for you. You've changed. Is it the fault of this "dream city"?


[action] Finally LJ is letting me tag without varnish errors! not_puppet October 7 2011, 16:20:17 UTC
Genesis... {Cloud's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to remember what he could. The name was familiar...]

I remember him...he was at Banora and Zack... [He shook his head sharply and turned his attention back to Sephiroth; that part of his memories was always fuzzy, something he attributed to his mako poisoning at the time.]

I rather doubt I'd ever confuse you with anyone else. Your deeds and actions were your own even as they were... [Cloud cuts himself off at that point, not wanting to talk about Jenova right now. Or at least until he understands just how stable THIS Sephiroth was.]

Modeoheim was eight years ago. If you think no one would change during that amount of time, then you're even crazier than ever.


[action] I'm glad! LJ has been so cruel lately. no_hometown October 7 2011, 17:46:11 UTC
I was speaking metaphorically. Of course my actions are my own. Yes, Genesis Rhapsodos, former SOLDIER First Class. [But he doesn't have anything else to say about Genesis. Genesis died. Angeal died.]

Years? Modeoheim was a few days ago. [Ironically, Sephiroth is wondering if Cloud has lost his mind, but he can't deny that Cloud looks older, changed. It must be the fault of this city.]

I am not mentally ill. [There's a tiredness in his voice, irritation with this accusation. He's had enough of madness.] I've passed all my psychiatric evaluations, for what that's worth. [And a touch of bitter wryness there. He doesn't trust Shinra and their tests, not now.]


[action] not_puppet October 8 2011, 16:56:47 UTC
[Cloud really wants to disagree verbally about Sephiroth's statement but then he was never really sure just how much of Sephiroth's actions were Sephiroth's alone, or completely Jenova's or a mix of both.]

Yes, you heard me. Years. [He does give the other man a half incredulous look and responds with a snort about the psych tests.] Shinra's psych tests aren't worth the paper they're printed on.


[action] no_hometown October 8 2011, 21:46:15 UTC
I did hear you, but it is not the case for me. I was brought here from Modeoheim itself. I was sent to investigate, following the events there.

[He keeps his voice calm and regards Cloud evenly, still not hostile. He is wary, however, and he would draw his sword in an instant if attacked outright.] Yes, I see that now. [He'd seen the change, the instability, in his friends, especially Genesis. It was the scientists who were responsible, who were conscienceless beyond all reasoning. His only friends were turned into monsters and murdered, as far as he's concerned.] I had not realized what they'd done to us until recently.

But the fact remains, I am sane.


[action] not_puppet October 11 2011, 14:44:51 UTC
[Muttering to himself:] Modeoheim...not far before THAT mission then...just wonderful...

[Cloud keeps a tight grip on his own sword. Not attacking but simply wary of attack.] Nobody has ever considered you stupid. [He lets out a half-irritated sigh, at a loss of what to do about this situation.]

For now. [With that he turns to leave, sword still out in his hand.]


[action] no_hometown October 12 2011, 21:24:44 UTC
[He watches and listens to Cloud quite curiously. He still doesn't understand what the matter is, and he wants to.]

No, they haven't. [Quite the opposite, but he wouldn't point that out.

He doesn't stop Cloud from leaving. He has no authority over him in this place, especially if Cloud has left Shinra as he claims, but he studies him as he goes.] For now. [He says it in polite agreement, nothing more, though he's not exactly satisfied by the conclusion of their encounter.]


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