Second roll||day||video

Oct 01, 2011 08:19

[The PORTAL comes on to show an unfamiliar (to most) place; fairly dark and if it were an outside view it would show a castle-like structure but instead it shows the interior of the respiteblock of her hive; grey floors, grey walls; a huge black poster with a purple axe word FLARP, spreadsheets and the sketch of the best FLARP character eeeeeeeever ( Read more... )

john egbert: homestuck, tavros nitram: homestuck, harry dresden: the dresden files, *vriska serket: homestuck, rebecca crane: assassin's creed

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video; windheir October 1 2011, 10:07:28 UTC
Oh wow! So your house, err I mean hive, is here now? That must be your place of solace then heheh.

[He looks curious for a moment at her question, though he hardly hesitates to reply.] Of course Vriska! We still got plans after all! Uhm, do you want me to come to your hive or..?


video; serket8itch October 1 2011, 10:24:40 UTC
I was just flying around and then there it was, just like I left it.

[Well, not just as she left it. There is no lusus corpse here but she has her spider outside, smaller, more easily satisfied.]

You can come over! [Success.gif.] I can give you directions if you want them?

[If she can remember directions. She sort of just found it by accident really.]


video; windheir October 3 2011, 04:29:16 UTC
Alright! Give me directions and I'll be there as quick as the wind! Heheh.


video; serket8itch October 3 2011, 13:56:12 UTC
[There is some doodling from a dreamed up pencil and paper and then a map is held up to the screen with VRISKA'S HIVE!!!!!!!! in big bold letters and some vague indications of streets and stuff.]

I'll be waaaaaaaaiting!

[She just has to go...move the spider real quick ::::T]


video; > action;? windheir October 3 2011, 22:28:06 UTC
[John is quick to eye the map real quick, get the gist and details of it so he can dream up his own. Dreaming up stuff is handy.]

Be there soon!

[clicks! he'll probably take just a bit longer because how did you find this place??]


action; serket8itch October 4 2011, 18:57:23 UTC
[And whenever John reaches said hive, Vriska will be there being as cool as only the coolest of trolls can be.

Not you know........flipping her hair. Or fidgeting. Or worrying. No. None of that.

But this is like almost a sort of date (to her, timelines 8luh 8luh, not actually asking said boy if this is like a date) and they will be watching the magnificent muscular hoofbeast that is Nic Cage.

She has changed too but only because even a troll girl sometimes likes a little change.]


action; windheir October 5 2011, 03:07:39 UTC
[Instead of the common God Tier outfit, John decides to wear the outfit Vriska helped pick out for him during that time. Because he just doesn't feel like he should wear that outfit every single time, 'sides he should show that he appreciated her help in coming with this outfit even if it's.. well, hardly much different than what he wears.

When he shows up he gives her a wide smile, excited to spend time with his troll friend. Hanging out and watching Con Air! Which he brought his copy in his sylladex, along with a few other choices of movies with him in it. In case Vriska wanted to see more.]

Hey Vriska! Sorry if I made you wait long.


action; serket8itch October 5 2011, 13:01:06 UTC
[John you have made her the happiest, flutteriest fairy God troll in all of space and this city. He looks very stylish though but duh, he was taking her advice in all things which is better than whatever crap Terezi inflicted on Dave.

She studies him carefully and he seems okay, not the way he was when Sora died and that's good. She knows there was this whole feelingsjam of depression going on at the Unnatural but whatever.]

It's okay, I was just [cleaning up one or two broken things but not really] looking around again. It's been forever since I saw this place.


action; windheir October 7 2011, 00:54:45 UTC
[John appears more cheery at least, it of course helped having Vriska and Rose there to snap him out of most of it, till he got a better holding.]

Heheh, I don't blame you, I was the same way when I found my house! [But this is exciting cause he's never seen a troll's hou-- hive (mentally correcting himself), probably cooler since it's Vriska's. He assumes it's not any different than any other person's house, but! Still.]


action; serket8itch October 7 2011, 14:09:58 UTC
Do you want to look around before we watch the movie? All of my stuff is still here. [Except the lusus corpse and that’s good because ew, no thanks. Like she needs that monster lurking around to haunt her in a new place right?]

I have a treasure hoard...

[All of this is said with the awkwardness any young person gets showing their home off to someone they like for the first time, a universal concept yet again.]


action; windheir October 7 2011, 23:44:33 UTC
Would that be okay? I mean, cause, I really wouldn't mind! It would be neat! I just don't want to be too nosy or rude or, well, anything. Heheh.

[oh.. ok he wasn't really being too awkward at first, it was more so exciting. but it's hard to not see it in anyone else, which in turns makes him a little nervous. hopefully he wasn't doing anything wrong!!]

Treasure?? Really?? Wow, it's like your own little National Treasure! I definitely have to show you that movie too by the way, Nic Cage stars in it too.


action; serket8itch October 8 2011, 09:54:57 UTC
I wouldn't have said if I didn't want you to see it. [Oof, hang on, her cheeks are getting blue but she turns away with a hair flip to lead her way down to the treasure hoard. Watch your step on the sharp/pointy things John.

It's mostly useless here but she worked hard to get that treasure and it is pretty impressive and a reminder of simpler times. Not necessarily better times.]

John you are spoiling me with all of this glorious Nic Cage stuff. What sort of guy is he in this National Treasure movie?


: action; windheir October 10 2011, 00:48:55 UTC
[Woah, definitely being careful. It would really suck to stab himself on his visiting on the first day. Seriously.

Just.. staring at the huge treasure hoard because wooooaaaahhhh.] That's amazing! You got this all yourself??

OH, well you see, Nic Cage plays as a guy by the name Bengamin Gates. He's a historian and cytologist which is figuring secret codes and deciphering stuff! He's a descendant from a long line of treasure hunters and there's been this kind of treasure his family line has been working on solving. Instead of giving it up, he's determined to solve it! The movie is about his adventure and time spent into trying to solve it, it's a reaally good movie! Gates is a really cool guy and really smart when it comes to solving things.


action; serket8itch October 10 2011, 14:15:20 UTC
[She would be so horrified John.

Awwwyeah, her hard earned (through murder) treasure.] Pretty much. I mean sometimes it was with Eridan but pssh [breezy hand gesture of coolness] I carried our team. It's what happens when you're the best.

[Seriously, such a hardship listening to that guppy carping on and on about sea dwweller dominion ovver the land dwwellers, right Vvris?]

Oh my god, does he always just get the best movies and the best parts? [HEARTS IN HER EYES.] We definitely need to watch that one then after we watch Con Air.


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