2nd equation (night)= video/teneka

Sep 13, 2011 14:12

[Unlike the rapid and stilted way he talks during the day, the thoughts broadcast by N's PORTAL are measured and clear (if at times accompanied by seemingly random images of his Pokémon friends). This is a way he's more comfortable communicating.]

Hello, my name is N Harmonia. I have some questions. [Akito had given him some good ideas for what to ask people.]

I have an ability that no one else in my world has, to my knowledge. I can speak to creatures that are not human. Here, too, there are--animals, and I can talk to them. I hear their voices call to me, all of the creatures, from the small to the great. When I call back, they will come, to see and to speak with me. I don't know why others cannot do this, or why I can. My friend suggested that I ask to see if there was anyone else with such an ability, since there are so many different kinds of people here. If so, perhaps we might talk about it.

Also, I-- [This is difficult for him. He spent his whole life as a member of Team Plasma. His fingers curl, his hands almost forming fists, but he makes himself continue. Akito's suggestions were good ones.] Since there are people here from my world, Pokémon trainers and others, as I am not a trainer--I thought perhaps we might meet and speak as well. We could form a club. Not only for people from our world, but also for people from other worlds who have Pokémon of their own, or those who are simply interested in Pokémon. There is much to learn about them, and it's important that people understand, for their own safety, as well as for the safety of the Pokémon.

[N pauses.] Finally, I would like to know about the different kinds of love. This is a concept I was not familiar with before I arrived here. If any of you know about romantic love, I would be interested in hearing your perspective on the matter.

Thank you. [In conclusion, N smiles.]

kitten: breakfast on pluto, *n harmonia: pokemon, touya: pokemon, wanijima akito/agito: air gear, zinc: original character, soubi agatsuma: loveless, chibiusa tsukino: sailor moon

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