oo1 - ☾- VIDEO

Jan 19, 2011 03:06

[ A few days of proper meals and, even more importantly, rest has done Allen a world of good; he wasn't terribly keen on the idea of putting himself to bed when he'd rather be searching for more information about their most peculiar predicament, but everyone knows what they say about the spirit being willing, etc.

Besides, after his imprisonment, he wasn't in the best shape. Managing stairs had left him dizzy and out of breath.

So the only thing immediately apparent as his PORTAL activates is a lap covered in creased, crumpled lengths of gauze covered in minute sigils (as well as dark stains one might identify as dried blood) still crackling with the occasional energetic discharge. The young exorcist grunts with effort, trying to tear off paper charms to unravel more of the weighty bindings around his left arm, more often getting shocked by the magical charm's defenses than actually meeting with any success.

He hasn't gotten far, and without the means to counteract CROW talismans himself, it's taken days just to get this far.

Realizing he won't get much more completed today, the young man heaves a sigh, gathering up the loose gauze to pitch it in a rubbish bin. The singed fingertips of his right hand go into his mouth -- as he drops his head back against the side of the mattress, seated on the floor, his face can be seen.

He isn't wearing his mask. To his credit, Allen doesn't know the PORTAL is recording, but at least it's night-time! There are words, then, but since his lips aren't moving, it's definitely the PORTAL's telepathic function at work. ]

I'm beginning to think, maybe, this really isn't the work of the Noah after all.

[ Pulling his knees up to rest his face against them, he mumbles: ]

Even with that weird mirror, I can't tell if the others are alright, either.

[ One long moment later, Allen pulls himself upright and climbs to his feet. The view, now consisting of the long train of his tunic and the hem of his pants, shows him turning away from the PORTAL. There are bands of red skin around his ankles, like they had been chafed by bindings recently.

He stoops to collect the PORTAL; at this point he realizes it's activated. ]

I won't get any answers sitting around here-- [ He startles, then sighs aloud. ] --malfunctioning again?

naomi umegae: zettai karen children, *allen walker: d.gray-man, dietrich von lohengrin: trinity blood, yako katsuragi: nōgami neuro

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