☂ 08 ☁ Action/Video ☁ Day ☂

Sep 13, 2011 01:07

[Mysari can be seen sitting on a bench in the royal gardens, twirling a flower and its stem in one hand, looking a bit uncertain. It's not like her to look anxious or troubled, but this has been bugging her for a while now. So, with a bit of cautiousness, she finally asks.]

Um. I know a lot of you have powers. Some of you are very strong, too. And some of you use magic. But may I ask a question? How many of you are human?

[She shakes her head quickly, realizing how biased that sounds.]

What I mean is... well, I'm a dragon, so magic runs in our blood and it's a part of us. We're born with it, and we can't exist without it, because it's what gives us all our unique abilities. Even on my world, magic is based on the will and the soul of a person or creature, so humans as well as other beings can learn it too. But only if they're taught properly. They don't start out with it when they're born, because they aren't aware of it.

Are there any of you who are human who learned your magic over time? Or were you just born with the powers you have now? Have you gotten better at using it, or is it still the same?

[And now the dragon girl twitches her tail nervously and looks down a little and smiles softly.]

I don't mean to offend any of you, I'm just curious. I want to see how similar we all are.

[For those wanting to see her in person, you're more than welcome. She's just by the roses in the royal's garden, and enjoys meeting new faces all the time.]

n harmonia: pokemon, rapunzel: tangled, billy kaplan [wiccan] : marvel, wanijima akito/agito: air gear, *mysari furo'tel: original character, dobrynin tvarisch: original character, veles: original character, charles xavier: x-men first class

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