night [ video/teneka ] a sad howl

Sep 11, 2011 20:19

[ The PORTAL is propped up against a piece of furniture, the camera fixed on the large black wolf resting on his side. Huffing slightly, Fenrir doesn't move for a moment, amber eyes roaming around the room before they fall on the recording device. Only then does he let his thoughts through. ]

Gabriel -- who was Loki, to some -- and Loki -- the ( Read more... )

loki: thor, *fenrir: norse mythology, morticia: the addams family, thor: thor(2011)

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voice/teneka godofpancakes September 12 2011, 01:59:35 UTC
I am sorry, Fenrir. You can come over if you wish.


voice/teneka vanagandr September 13 2011, 17:08:29 UTC

[ He shifts, sitting up with a slight sigh. ]

Might as well. You over at the diner?


voice/teneka godofpancakes September 13 2011, 22:57:36 UTC
Yes. I'll make you pancakes.


voice/teneka > action vanagandr September 16 2011, 02:19:00 UTC
Mmm. I do like pancakes.

[ And he flips the feed off. Excuse him, Thor, his manners aren't the best right now.

It doesn't take him long to get to the diner, at least, nosing inside with a slight grumble. ]


action godofpancakes September 17 2011, 03:07:03 UTC
[The pancakes are already being made when Fenrir comes in. Thor moves from behind the counter, bending down to smooth his fingers through the other's fur]

I am sorry you lost people.


action vanagandr September 18 2011, 02:14:25 UTC
[ Fenrir nudges up into Thor's hand, wuffing slightly. ]

Me too. Could have been worse, though.


action godofpancakes September 18 2011, 18:00:42 UTC
It could have, yes.

[He gives the fur another ruffle before standing up, going to build a large plate of pancakes and bacon for them both.]

How long was...the other Loki here?


action vanagandr September 18 2011, 19:36:57 UTC
[ Fenrir follows, sticking close as though Thor might disappear as soon as he's too far away. ]

He and I arrived at the same time.


action godofpancakes September 19 2011, 00:52:36 UTC
Was he the father you knew?

[Thor keeps a hand in the other's fur, trying to give him some comfort. He remembers all too well how he felt when he thought he had lost the Allfather.

He places Fenrir's plate on the floor, then goes to sit on the floor himself.]


action vanagandr September 19 2011, 03:36:35 UTC

[ He doesn't say anything more, though he stays close to Thor and his hand. When the son of Odin sits on the floor, Fenrir tucks in next to him before beginning to eat his food. ]


action godofpancakes September 20 2011, 02:25:37 UTC
Then I am doubly sorry.

[Thor keeps one hand on the wolf's back, even as he digs into his own food.]

Once I thought Odin was dead. I will never forget how I felt, then.


action vanagandr September 20 2011, 19:07:03 UTC
[ The hand is a comforting weight on his back, just as the food is a comforting warmth in his stomach. ]

Did Loki tell you what I told him of my father? Of what they did to him?


action godofpancakes September 22 2011, 22:22:43 UTC
No...and perhaps it is best I do not know.

[He isn't sure how much of the future--or one future in particular he should really know]


action vanagandr September 23 2011, 15:41:22 UTC
[ Perhaps. But Fenrir is going to ignore that, because it hurts. ]

He's bound with the entrails of his son while a serpent drips poison down. His wife collects it in a bowl, but she has to empty it, and then the venom lands on him.

He's got it worse than I do, and he went back.


action godofpancakes September 25 2011, 18:51:31 UTC
...I will not let that happen in my time.

[His fingers tighten in Fenrir's fur for a moment, frowning fiercely at the picture his words conveyed]


action vanagandr September 25 2011, 19:05:59 UTC
[ There's a slight whine as Fenrir presses closer to him. ]

Thank you.


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