[The PORTAL turns on to a view of the room Akito woke up in on arrival rather than his Place of Solace. It looks plain and unlived in for the most part, though his mirror is covered by a towel. He murmurs some encouragement to himself before addressing the network.]
If you've recently woken up in a strange room like this one, with no idea where you are or how you got here, don't worry - there are some explanations! [A pause.] Ah... To the first one, at least. I still don't think anyone knows how we got here, but don't worry about that right now, okay?
You're in Promenade, and it's widely accepted that this is a city of dreams. [He doesn't believe it, though he manages to keep his tone from sounding too dubious.] There's no known way to get back home just yet, but there are people who are searching for one. Some people disappear from here - it's assumed that they're sent back home, and that it wasn't their choice to leave.
People here are from all sorts of different worlds, universes, and times. Things that are myths and fairy tales in your world might be reality in someone else's. Example! There is no magic where I'm from, but it's something that seems to be really common here.
[He waves a hand dismissively. That's all there is to say on that subject right now.]
The device I'm speaking to you with is called a PORTAL, and it can take on whatever form you want it to. For some people it's a cell phone and for other people it's a book! You can contact anyone else imprisoned here by using it, through either voice, text or writing, video, or TENEKA.
TENEKA only works at night, and it lets you transfer images, thoughts, and words to another person through your mind. This is important because your voice disappears at sunset - don't panic about it though, since you'll get it back once the sun rises again!
Um, the reason you lose your voice is because of the King here. He likes it to be silent, or something. During the day you have to wear a mask on your face, or something to at least partially cover your face, because the Queen demands it. If you break her rule you'll get in deep sh- trouble. I don't know the specifics, but simply put: you'll be tortured in some way.
[So depressing, so depressing. He moves on to happier things now-]
Anyway! You can 'dream' things into existence here, like clothes or games or food, but there are some things you can't dream up, like an exit, or... [He pauses; blinks.] I don't really know, since I haven't tried it for many things.
Because you can dream up anything you need, there isn't any established currency here, so there's no need to worry about that either.
In two weeks you'll be able to move to your Place of Solace - it's a place that is generally either familiar or comforting to you. Usually people don't find them until they've been here for two weeks, but if they find their Place of Solace before then they won't be able to enter it until the two weeks is up.
[He's been putting off the next bit of information, but knows that it's important to explain.]
Ah... There's a mirror in the room you woke up in, and it will show you images of what's going on in your life back home while you're here. I don't know how it's supposed to work, but it's apparently you, but not you. Like you were split into two and one half was left alone and you were the half that was brought here.
If you don't see anything in your mirror though, it's assumed that you're dead back home. It looks really weird...
[Akito pulls the towel off of his mirror, because it's been weeks now and he can't not look at it again. The angle of the PORTAL makes it hard to see clearly, but the room inside the mirror is recognizable as a hospital room. He, however, sees the image of his father very clearly.]
...Oh. [Wait. If Kaito is alive and he's seeing it, that means that he isn't...] Oh-
[His look of happy shock (Kaito is alive - didn't die because of them) turns to one distraction instead as he returns his focus to what he was doing.]
Um... Those are all of the basics! I'll attach some more information files, since they're a lot more detailed. If your PORTAL is a book, they'll just show up as new pages. The information is really useful, so everyone should read it all when they get the chance.
[He attaches the following files before ending the feed:
comprguide.pdf PORTALinfo.pdf gen_info.txt]
((ooc: as a note, Akito both looks and sounds like a girl - through the PORTAL it's very difficult to distinguish his gender, but in person it's a bit easier. he's also very,
very small.))