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Aug 16, 2011 12:55

[ The PORTAL switches on to reveal a man dressed all in black - right down to the simple mask on his face - sitting on the floor slumped against the wall, his robes pooled around him. He doesn't move at first as his eyes stare at nothingness.

It was over. He had done everything he could and he had accepted his fate standing tall. What he hadn't expected was the Dark Lord slashing his throat and setting that wretched snake on him. He lets out a small sigh.

Regardless, here he was. Dead.

At least this ... crossroads? ... place is quiet enough. He shifts enough to sit up straighter, raising a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose as he begins to wonder just what the next step is. It has been so long since his life wasn't controlled by one master or another. His brow furrows in confusion as he touches something odd on his face.

A mask. Really?! He removes it, turning it over in his hands. ]

... one would think there would be no need for masks in death, [ he mutters, very much displeased. ]

(( ooc; In honor of Alan Rickman's effing AH-MAZING performance in Deathly Hallows part 2 I've opted to use Severus' movie death (hence why he's sitting up like he was when he died). That had me bawling more than the book omg. I hope no one minds ;; ))

starscream: transformers prime, *severus snape: harry potter, andrew ryan: bioshock, death: sandman, rapunzel: tangled, laurent: carmadine's chronicles, luna lovegood: harry potter, josh: being human us, lily potter: harry potter, selene: greek mythology

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