Vanille 002 [day] [video] [accidental]

Aug 13, 2011 16:49

[When Vanille's PORTAL turns on, it does so without her meaning to. The silly thing has fallen out of her little skirt pouch and is broadcasting a lot of noise without her knowledge. In fact, the PORTAL almost gets an up the skirt shot but then she's moving and there are a lot of possibly very misleading noises.]

Take that!

[There's the whistle of what some might assume is a fishing line and they would be correct, only there are three of them.]


[There's a little blast that shakes the ground, sending the PORTAL on a high arc up through the air where it shows Vanille squaring off against a pack of monsters - Cie'th to be precise - all Chonchon. Not that anyone outside Vanille would know what they are. The PORTAL ends up propped against some rubble of the ruins, broadcasting on its side, offering a very skewed angle as Vanille keeps fighting.

Not long into the broadcast, one of the Cie'th turns through purple to indigo to black and then disappears but there isn't any time for her to enjoy her victory as she's with a wave of poison, doubling over with a little pained groan.

Rod in one hand, a glow comes from her outstretched hand, engulfing her before she switches paradigm.]

I'm not all smiles and sunshine!

[A crackling blast of thunder and...and nothing. The PORTAL is a casualty of battle and goes out with a burst of static.]

[[ooc: if anyone wants to come fight some Cie'th with Vanille or to run and see if she's in need of assistance, that's always an option.]]

cameron smith: going bovine, john egbert: homestuck, bowen de tisi: original character, rapunzel: tangled, *oerba dia vanille: final fantasy xiii, fenrir: norse mythology, sora: kingdom hearts

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