002 | Mustang | Day | Video

Aug 10, 2011 11:31

[The feed comes on to reveal the inside of a log cabin. Quaint place, the sort you'd travel up to for a solitary winter in the woods ( Read more... )

riza hawkeye: fullmetal alchemist, *roy mustang: fullmetal alchemist, carmen murphy: original character, kelly bridge: original character, simon bellamy: misfits, desmond miles: assassin's creed, sora: kingdom hearts

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video withoutpassions August 10 2011, 04:19:38 UTC
I don't mind sharing at all, Is there a particular reason you want to know? Beyond just being curious, I mean.


video thewarisover August 10 2011, 04:57:06 UTC
I'm trying to take notes on... well, everything here. My own record, you could say.


video withoutpassions August 10 2011, 05:05:25 UTC
[She nods. She's got a little notebook full of things of her own too.] You're not the only one. Well...

I lived in a city, in America. Pretty sizable- people everywhere, never really quiet. There wasn't any magic or anything there like there is here.


video thewarisover August 10 2011, 05:20:22 UTC
[Taking notes now.]

No magic, huh? What did you have instead?


video withoutpassions August 10 2011, 05:31:12 UTC
Technology would be the closest thing, I suppose. Computers, cellular phones, television, movies, video games, airplanes, internet, space travel- I could probably spend a couple of hours just naming developments from the past couple of decades...


video thewarisover August 10 2011, 05:55:09 UTC
Sounds highly advanced.

[Meaning, he doesn't know half of what you've just mentioned. Time to do some library reading...]


video withoutpassions August 10 2011, 06:24:34 UTC
I guess it is- I don't have much else to compare it to. Not everywhere in the world has all that sort of stuff, but a big portion does.

[She would probably have to look up half of those things to properly explain them. Don't be discouraged, Mustang!]


video thewarisover August 10 2011, 06:35:05 UTC
So your nation's one of the stronger ones in your world, or...?


video withoutpassions August 10 2011, 06:41:28 UTC
In military strength, yes. Economically, we're in a bit of a recession, but we're... [How to put this.] Working through that. Still doing alright, all things considered, I think.


video thewarisover August 10 2011, 07:01:29 UTC
What was your occupation there?


video withoutpassions August 10 2011, 07:29:50 UTC
I had my own business, buying and selling guns.


video thewarisover August 11 2011, 17:30:05 UTC
Profitable, I take it?


video withoutpassions August 12 2011, 20:17:41 UTC
Profitable enough. Gun control laws limit things, but not enough to be too harmful.


video thewarisover August 13 2011, 05:19:13 UTC
What made you get into the business?


video withoutpassions August 16 2011, 04:58:47 UTC
My father was a businessman as well, and I've spent most of my life around guns, so it seemed like a natural fit.


video thewarisover August 16 2011, 05:37:02 UTC
That makes sense. [A beat.] Two of my former subordinates was great at handling guns.


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