third mark // accidental video (day)

Jul 16, 2011 19:15

[When the video feed starts, Elijah and Geir are in full view, but neither seem to notice that the PORTAL has switched on. Furthermore, Elijah looks unusually agitated, perhaps because there is a large section of wall missing behind them.]

Geir, what the hell were you thinkin'?!

[ Though his mask and veil are covering his face, something about the way Geir is standing is making the fact that he is linefacing under his coverings very clear. ]

That more room would be useful.

More room? The hell's wrong with what room we already got?!

[ There's a slight shift from Geir before he responds. ]

You seemed... tense.

[But Elijah still isn't any less agitated.] Hell, Geir, of course I'm tense! You're knockin' out my damn walls!

Just one. [ He shifts again. ] You will sleep better.

Sleep better- How in the hell is this gonna make me sleep any better?!

A second bed. [ And with his piece said, Geir is going back to smoothing out the hole in the wall so it looks presentable. ]

The hell... [No, he's not letting it go that easily.] I was sleepin' just fine with the one bed! The hell're you talkin' about?

[ Nope. Not answering. ]

[To which Elijah responds with his best "don't you dare clam up on me" tone-] Geir, come on.

[ He still isn't looking at him, but... ] You sleep on the edge of the bed and get up and out of it as quickly as possible in the morning.

... What, you got a problem with that?

It is unlike you-- [ Turns his head. ] ... Elijah. The PORTAL.

What? [At which point Elijah turns and notices as well.] Aw, hell- [He quickly comes over to turn it off, but takes the opportunity to issue a stern warning first.] Y'all ain't seen none-a this, ya hear? [And the feed shuts off.]

(OOC: If it wasn't already clear, regular text is Elijah and boldface is Geir. Yep.)

*elijah morgan: original character, grell sutcliffe: kuroshitsuji, *aðalgeir "geir" brynjúlfsson: original , eden morrison: original character

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