first dig || night || text [/teneka]

Jul 03, 2011 20:36

0h hell0
im s0rry if this seems imp0lite
it was very kind 0f wh0ever br0ught me here t0 d0 s0
wherever here even is
and i w0uld l0ve t0 stay and find 0ut m0re
im sure there are all s0rts of archae0l0gical w0nders t0 be f0und if 0nly i had the time t0 l00k f0r them
its just that this really isnt a g00d time
im supp0sed t0 be g0ing t0 a flarp sessi0n s00n
my teammate is relying 0n me and i w0uld hate t0 let him d0wn
especially c0nsidering wh0 were playing with
y0u see s0meh0w we ended up playing against s0me higher bl00ded tr0lls
and tavr0s w0nt stand up t0 them s0 i need t0 be there t0 st0p anything bad fr0m happening
s0 if its n0t t00 much tr0uble and if im n0t speaking 0ut of turn
i w0uld be grateful if i c0uld please be all0wed t0 g0 h0me
0r at least be able t0 c0ntact him and warn him i w0nt be able t0 play
and maybe st0p him fr0m taking 0n team sc0urge al0ne

laurent: carmadine's chronicles, *aradia megido: homestuck, karkat vantas: homestuck, tavros nitram: homestuck, equius zahhak: homestuck, ram: tron, kyouya hibari: katekyo hitman reborn!, nicholas thanos tallis: original charact

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