[ day ] [ accidental audio > video ] [ event ]

Jun 22, 2011 17:19

[ Despite what anyone says; the PORTALs really do have a mind of their own and like to turn on at extremely inconvenient times.

This is one of those times, and for a while it's only audio and a whole lot of silence. Until finally, a gruff male voice says this; ]

Noah, I need you inside me.

[ another bit of silence before an obviously female voice responds; ] What? Now?

Yes, now. I don't think I could hold off much longer.

Fine. Lay down.

[ There's a lot of movement in the background, and then the man groans. ] Yeah, that's the spot.

Here?-- ugggh gross.

Yeah, right there. And don't complain, you love it.

It's all sticky. Ugh, dammit, Tony!

[ The man laughs, and the feed suddenly switches to video, showing none other than Tony Stark laying down on a table in his lab with Noah Morgan's hand in his chest.

They both look at the PORTAL, having noticed it recording ages ago and grin in unison. ]

[ OOC: TROLOLOLOLOL. Noah is in green obviously, and tony is in red. :D YAY TYL SHENANIGANS. ]

!plot: ten years later, aphrodite: greek mythology, zinc: original character, *noah morgan: original character, rebecca crane: assassin's creed, james t. kirk: star trek xi, *tony stark: iron man, quorra: tron legacy, fenrir: norse mythology

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