[Veles has been in Promenade for a while now, long enough to know that barring Lioriley, he hated pretty much everyone here. Loud, ungrateful, rude - just the tip of the iceberg, he could really go on for years about his distaste but dragons love knowledge and he'd like to know about other worlds and what they have.
Just don't ask how a dragon can
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Ah... Ain't never seen 'em for myself, but I hear there's dragons up in the mountains still. Y'know, where there, ah...ain't no humans.
Where I am from we populate an island [he moves to allow more of the chunk of Travrra that came with him to be seen] to keep away from the other races although they do seek us out from time to time.
And well, consider this your first time laying eyes upon one of our kind.
I certainly do. [He hasn't encountered any dragons before, and for good reason-only a damn fool would try rustling them up back home.] And, ah... Just why might they be seekin' you out?
For knowledge. We dragons know a great many things and we possess magic too, magic we can pass on should they prove themselves worthy of the knowledge.
But magic, huh... Must be some mighty powerful magic for a human to handle.
Just because it is the magic of a dragon does not make it powerful in its own right. Magic comes from practice and training and discipline. The spells I have taught to those worthy of them can be mastered to the same extent as I. It is merely age that gives me the upper hand.
[That and being a Seer. Fights are much easier when you know, more or less, what to expect.]
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