09 ☬ Accidental Video; Day [VC EVENT]

Apr 09, 2011 10:47

So what've we got?

[Morning, Promenade. You see part of the ceiling as the Portal clicks on softly, the heads of two people looking over something the only thing apparent at this point. One red, one blonde.

One of the voices doesn't sound familiar, but the other one does.]

Okay, the basics. Masks by day, telepathy by night. King and Queen are convinced this is where we really belong and that our previous lives were nothing but dreams. This place is pretty easy- you imagine something, it'll appear. The mirror shows us what's "going on" in the dream while we're here,

Got it. Been keeping an eye on the locations, babe?

[The video moves now to show Krypta with a taller boy by her side. They're both overlooking something on the table, and as she sprawls herself out over the top, it becomes pretty apparent it's a map.]

The King and Queen's castle- [She points to one place.] It's occupied by guards and maids most of the time. Sometimes the royalty's there too. Depends on the day and time. The gardens are either open or closed, and people can walk around as long as you don't touch the flowers. I can't tell, but I think the royal guard lives there too, or somewhere nearby. You don't see them often enough.

About a quarter of a mile down the road is the Unnatural- [A shift and her hand now points to another location.] That's the home of Dr. Heda Genero. From what I can tell he never leaves the place, and no one I've talked to knows what actually goes on behind those doors. It's like it's a blocked out location. One of those things you don't talk about or know much because they give you no reason to believe anything's going on.

Oh, and Genero? [She pauses and looks back up to the boy, cocking an eyebrow in a mixture of concern and worry.] Sick bastard. The guy either has a hard-on for torture or a very sick sense of "experimenting." He electrocuted one of my friends here because he wouldn't wear his mask outside.

[A grunt from the boy, who looks less than pleased, and he sighs.] As if we don't get enough of those back home. Anything else I should know?

Yeah. Here, here, and here- [More areas are pointed to.] Far as I can tell, it's the beach, the Forbidden Paths, and the homes themselves. Each one's got its own importance, though the royalty haven't said squat.

The beach is pretty quiet most of the time. When the monsters came though, from what I heard, there was a massive wyrm or something there. Caused a lot of damage. Apparently someone else lives underwater, too.

[The boy is taking in all the words she's saying, looking over the map but letting her speak until she gets all the information out.]

The Forbidden Paths are... pretty much forbidden. There's guards there 24/7 and they won't let you in. It's because the Exile was sighted there last.

The Exile?

Yeah, long story. Tell you later.

[A nod and she goes back to explaining.]

The homes are the simple part though. Everyone lives on a floor, and it's like living in a house. Pretty luxurious compared to what we were doing.

You won't hear me complaining. [The boy goes and kisses her forehead, smiling a little and ruffling her hair. Of course, she gets caught by surprise.]

Niiiiick! Hey! You wanted me to lay out the info and be serious! [Cue the both of them starting to giggle.] This is so totally unfair, stealing a kiss like that. [But you can see she really doesn't mind.]

[[Tags will be after 4:30, I just wanted to get this started! Replies will be both from crimsonandnoir and abrokenhome. Everyone say hi to Nick, Krypta's boyfriend/fiancé!]]

*krypta notte: original character, !plot: vengeance children, tony stark: iron man

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