video; daytime.

Mar 17, 2011 20:48

Hay, listen up, ya'll. [ she isn't entirely sure who, exactly, she's supposed to be addressing. ] Didn' yer momma ever tell ya' it ain' nice to kidnap anypony?

I just ain' got the time to be playin' any of yer silly games. I have work to do 'round the farm, and it ain' going to get done on it's own.

[ Pointed pause. ] .. not without ol' Applejack there, anyways. [ Smiles, and flicks her tail at herself. ]

So c'mon, ain' there anypony go'nna confess, 'cause 'd really like to get back to Ponyville.

[ Nothing. It looks as though the magnitude of the situation is, finally, starting to sink in. ] .. this, here, better be some kind'a joke. [ Stamps her hoof. She might be getting a little bit frustrated. ] .. Big Macintosh, stoppit this instant .. Dash? Pinkie? .. anypony?

*applejack: mlp - fim, aries mu: saint seiya, kirachi zukuno: original character

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