Apr 01, 2005 17:42
G0 BY: Xtina;Christina
Age: 16
BiRTHDAY: November 8
Hair Color: Blonde, Brown, and Black ") jus got it re-done!
Eye Color: green
Contacts / Glasses: neither
Height: 5'3
Favorite Word: word and no shit
Fears: dying, growing up
: SCHooL :
Where do you go to school: good old Pioneer
Do you like it: I fucking hate it
What is your favorite subject: Global
What is your least favorite subject: Math
Who is your favorite teacher: Mr.Duprey, even tho he can be scary
Who is your least favorite teacher: Mrs.Basher lol shes a fruit
: LoVe LiFe :
Do you have a boyfriend: nope
Do you have a girlfriend: Nope
If so, what is there name:
If so, how long has it been:
If not, are you crushing: yea
If so, on who: dan
Have you ever been dumped: yeh "(
Have you ever dumped someone: yeh
: FaVoRiTeS :
fruit: strawberrys
snack: shit in a can lol aka ravoli
dessert: anything chocolate
breakfast: pancakes
lunch: um? i dunno
dinner: steak lol pizza
song: Death Cab For Cutie
band: Theres to many
singer:have axle rose
actor: ugh?
actress: ummmm lol
movie: Mean girls lol
tv show: Americas next top Model
holiday: Christmas
month: June cos its summer ")
day: friday
number: i dont have one
friend: alot
: FRieNDS :
best: rachel
craziest: dan & kim
weirdest: bryan
funniest: dan and bryan
loudest: kim, me, kat, rachel
shyest: danielle
smartest: umm karolyn
boy craziest: mindy
prettiest: rachel marie ")
blondest: um i dunno
known the longest: danielle
have the best times with: used to have the best with mindy and danielle back in the day, but now karolyn and rachie marie
: THiS oR THaT :
Pepsi - Coke: pepsi
Cursive - Print: print
Email - Instant Message: IM
Simple Plan - Green Day .. green day
Coffee - Cappuccino... coffee
Winter - Summer: summer
Fall - Spring: fall
Shorts - Skirts: Skirts
Sweaters - Tshirts: T-shirts
DVD - VHS: dvd
Pink - Red: thats a stupid question, of course pink ")
Mexican Food - Chinese Food: Chinese
Action - Comedy: Comedy
Sandals - Gym Shoes: Sandals
Pens - Pencils: Pens
Black - Blue: black
Sugar - Spice: sugar
: CuRReNT :
sound: Music
instant message: Karri...Phil..Jonny..X-tina
thought: need to get dressed~!! haha
wish: To be happy :)
dream: i had a weird ass dream last night!
taste: My cig.. yuck!
smell: Chicken Wings
clothes: My Ex's Nautica shirt! thats it!! hehe :)
LaST TiMe You :
yelled: um like 15 min agp
talked: bout 2 min ago
were happy: today..hehe
were nervous: today
were scared: today
showered: this morning
ate: 15 min ago
cleaned: yesterdai
: HoW MaNy :
teachers: alot
screen names: like 12
friends: alot
pets: 1 cat 1 dog 1 bird<-- things fucking annyoing man
livejournals: 2
: iN THe LaST 24 HouRS, HaVE You :
cried: no
helped someone: yeh
gotten sick: no
gone to the movies: no
gone out for dinner: no
said "i love you": NOOOOOOOO
written a letter: no
talked to an ex: yes
missed an ex: yes
written in a journal: yes
kissed someone: no
hugged someone: no
fought with a parent: yes
fought with a friend: dont think so
thanks jess lol