Me and my moody self.

Sep 19, 2010 13:37

 Since i got this beautiful laptop, i haven't put it down! Seriously i would have stayed up writing all night if it i didn't have to wake up early to go to work. 
And that's one of the great thing about having a laptop. I can write anywhere! 
Last night i was able to write the beginning of a fan fiction story. and the beginning of some idea i had. Plus i plan to write a lot more on here. 
Another one of my favorite things about my laptop *which i need to name, since i have a name for my ipod, Pinkberry.* Is Spell check, i didn't know how many words i spelled wrong, or how many times i missed a key while typing. Though it is annoying when it says i spelled my last name/email/any username wrong. But oh well.
I can also watch movies on my Laptop! Now all these things come on almost every Laptop. But this is new to me, and I'm enjoying it!
But of corse the world can't let me enjoy something. It has to throw in a challenge, like our car having a problem! So hopefully tomorrow are guy can fix it for a low, low, low, low, low price!
Just proof that God hates us, or that he's a sick, sick, man who likes to see people in pain. Yeah, i just wrote that. It's how i feel, the bad stuff in my life way out the good, and I'm not sure who to believe in anymore.
Wow, did this turn moody or what?
Well I have to go eat lunch, then sleep for  6 hours before i have to go to work tonight at midnight!

real life, journal

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